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FormCollection MVC5没有将十进制传递给控制器

[英]FormCollection MVC5 not passing decimal to controller

i keep getting errors when trying to post an <input type="number"> from my view to my controller using FormCollection . 尝试使用FormCollection<input type="number">从我的视图发布到我的控制器时,我一直收到错误消息。 the database type for expenseBackup is a decimal(8,2) . feeBackup的数据库类型为decimal(8,2) I keep getting "Cannot impliticity convert string to decimal?". 我不断收到"Cannot impliticity convert string to decimal?". Then when i try expenseBackup = Int32.Parse(formValues["expenseBackup"]) , i get "Input string was not in correct format" . 然后,当我尝试expenseBackup = Int32.Parse(formValues["expenseBackup"]) ,我得到"Input string was not in correct format" i don't want to have to convert anything in the controller i don't understand why it won't just pass as a decimal through the FormCollection. 我不想在控制器中进行任何转换,我不明白为什么它不会仅仅作为小数通过FormCollection传递。

Controller 控制者

        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection formValues)
            var data = new usr_ebillingClientDatabase()
                client = formValues["client"], //is a string from form
                expenseBackup = formValues["expenseBackup"] //is a decimal from form
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            catch (Exception e)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

View 视图

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="col-md-10">
        @Html.EditorFor(model => model.expenseBackup, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" , , @type="number", @step=".01" } })

when you're reading the field from formValues["expenseBackup"] it's being read as a string. 当您从formValues["expenseBackup"]读取字段时, formValues["expenseBackup"]作为字符串读取。 Convert it to a decimal using Convert.ToDecimal() . 使用Convert.ToDecimal()将其转换为十进制。

expenseBackup = Convert.ToDecimal(formValues["expenseBackup"] ?? 0m);

FormCollection is a key-value pair collection ( NameValueCollection ) which returns values as string based from provided key, which is also a string. FormCollection是一个键值对集合( NameValueCollection ),它根据提供的键(也是一个字符串)以字符串形式返回值。 If you're in doubt which number format applied by numeric input during submit, use combination of decimal.TryParse() and if-condition with string.IsNullOrEmpty() to check null/empty string value: 如果您decimal.TryParse()在提交过程中数字输入采用哪种数字格式,请结合使用decimal.TryParse()和if-condition与string.IsNullOrEmpty()来检查空/空字符串值:

decimal expense;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formValues["expenseBackup"]) 
    && decimal.TryParse(formValues["expenseBackup"], out expense))
    var data = new usr_ebillingClientDatabase()
        client = formValues["client"],
        expenseBackup = expense

    // insert to database
    // unable to parse numeric value, do something else

If you're sure that numeric representation passed in FormCollection uses certain decimal separator other than default, use NumberFormatInfo when parsing with decimal.Parse() / decimal.TryParse() : 如果您确定在FormCollection传递的数字表示形式使用默认值以外的某些小数点分隔符,则在使用decimal.Parse() / decimal.TryParse()解析时,请使用NumberFormatInfo

var numberFormat = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo() { NumberDecimalSeparator = "," };

var data = new usr_ebillingClientDatabase()
    client = formValues["client"],
    expenseBackup = decimal.Parse(formValues["expenseBackup"], numberFormat);

However, I recommend using strongly-typed viewmodel over FormCollection because you're using EditorFor , and it will pass property values directly to controller when viewmodel name is included as action parameter. 但是,我建议在FormCollection使用强类型的viewmodel,因为您使用的是EditorFor ,当将viewmodel名称作为动作参数包含时,它将直接将属性值传递给控制器​​。

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