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[英]In C, my program to output a number not inside a user input array or not sum of any numbers in the array is not printing anything

I am doing an assignment for class. 我正在上课。 The prompt is: 提示是:

Write a program to find the smallest positive integer that does not appear in the array. 编写程序以查找未出现在数组中的最小正整数。 The number can't be formed by sum of 2 different or sum of same numbers from the array. 该数字不能由数组中2个不同或相同数字的总和形成。 for e1,2,3 and 4 appear in this array. e1,2,3和4出现在此数组中。 4 can be formed as 3+1, 5 as 3+2, 6 as 3+3 , 7 as 3+4 and 8 as 4+4 (it is ok to use a number twice). 4可以形成为3 + 1,5可以形成3 + 2,6可以形成3 + 3,7可以形成3 + 4,8可以形成4 + 4(可以使用两次数字是可以的)。 9 does not appear in the array and it can not be formed as sum of 2 numbers in the array. 9没有出现在数组中,并且不能形成为数组中2个数字的和。 So, 9 is the solution for this array. 因此,9是该数组的解决方案。 Use functions 使用功能

 int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number) int inarray(int data[], int size, int number) 
  • issumof2 returns 1 if number is sum of 2 elements in the data and returns 0 otherwise. 如果数字是数据中2个元素的和,则issumof2返回1,否则返回0。
  • inarray returns 1 if the number is in the data and returns 0 otherwise. 如果数据中包含数字,则inarray返回1,否则返回0。
#include <stdio.h>
//function declaration
int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number);
int inarray(int data[], int size, int number);
int size = 7, sum2, sum, number, data[7], i, j;

int main()
    //get user input
    printf("Enter 7 numbers: ");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        scanf("%d", &data[i]);  
    //function call
    issumof2(data, size, number);
    inarray(data, size, number);
    number = 0;
    //loop while condition is true and stop when condition becomes false
    while (inarray(data, size, number) == 1 || issumof2(data, size, number) == 1)
        number = number + 1;//increment number till loop stop
         //print smallest number
        printf("Smallest positive integer: %d\n", number);
    return 0;
Expected output:
Enter 7 numbers
1 2 2 3 4 3 1
Smallest positive Integer = 9
//1,2,3,4 are in array. 3+1=4,3+2=5,3+3=6,3+4=7,4+4=8(number can be used twice).
//9 is not inarray or not a  sum of 2 numbers in the array
int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number)
    //add data numbers in array
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (j = 0 + i; j < size; j++)
            sum = data[i] + data[i];//add same numbers        
            sum2 = data[i] + data[j];//add all 2 combinations of different number             
            if (sum == data[i] || sum2 == data[i])//comparing with data value          
                return 1;//if sum  or sum2 exists in data
    return 0;//if sum or sum2 don't exist
//goes to infinite loop
int inarray(int data[], int size, int number)
    for (number = 1; number <=size; number++)
        printf("inarray number=%d\n", number);
        //loop through data array
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
            printf("data[i]=%d\n", data[i]);
            if (number == data[i])//if this is true it goes to infinite loop
                                  //if false it just stops comparing
                return 1;
    return 0;

A quick run of what you've posted actually results in an infinite loop, unless i've missed something. 快速浏览您发布的内容实际上会导致无限循环,除非我错过了一些东西。 A couple of errors I see: 我看到几个错误:

  • You have set size equal to three, but then use it to attempt to scan seven numbers. 您已将size设置size等于三,但是然后使用它来尝试扫描七个数字。
  • In both of the functions inarray and issumof2 , there are conditionals that return either one or zero depending on the result of the conditional, so they only ever run one iteration of the innermost loops. inarrayissumof2这两个函数中,有条件条件根据条件的结果返回一或零,因此它们只运行最内层循环的一次迭代。 You need to move the else statements outside of the loops. 您需要将else语句移出循环。
  • The smallest possible integer that meets the criteria given the sample input is in fact eight. 在给定样本输入的情况下,满足标准的最小可能整数实际上是8。
  • It seems the logic in both functions are off as they never return 1. 似乎这两个函数的逻辑都已关闭,因为它们从不返回1。
    • In issumof2 there is no use of number , yet that is what you must compare any sums to if I am not mistaken. issumof2 ,没有使用number ,但是如果我没有记错的话,那就是必须将任何总和进行比较的地方。 Additionally, i think you may have inadvertently used i in place of j or vice versa. 另外,我认为您可能无意中使用了i来代替j ,反之亦然。

Here is some of your code commented with remarks that hopefully lead you to fix the mistakes: 这是您的一些代码中带有注释的注释,它们有望使您解决错误:

int main() {
    int data[7];
    int i, number = 0;

    // size is three so we won't scan 7 integers if we enter them line by line.
    printf("Enter 7 numbers: ");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) 
        scanf("%d", &data[i]);

    // the problem states that both of these functions must return zero for the
    // expected answer, yet this loop breaks whenever number does not meet both
    // criteria, which isn't what we want.
    while(inarray(data, size, number) == 0 && issumof2(data, size, number) == 0) {
        number = number + 1;
        // if the conditional matched the problem statement, then we would print
        // this line for every integer that fails the criteria, but that isn't
        // what we want.
        printf("Smallest positive integer: %d\n", number);
    return 0;

int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number) {
    int i, j, sum = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // here we've doubled the value at i and saved within a temporary
        // variable -- but why? 
        sum2 =data[i]+data[i];
        for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            // here we're combining different values to test their sum against
            // number -- good job 
            sum = data[i] + data[j];
            // why are we comparing the data at i with twice itself (sum2), and
            // its addition with the data at j (sum)? we must compare sum2
            // against number.
            if (sum==data[i] || sum2==data[i])
                // here we return 1 if the condition is met. this would be good
                // if our conditional was representative of the problem.
                return 1;
                // otherwise we return 0 -- why? i guess we don't need to check
                // any other sums...
                return 0;
    // alright we're done here. or are we? the prototype says we'll return an int

int inarray(int data[], int size, int number)
    int i;
    // so we're looping over all input -- good job
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // here we test for equality of index i with the data at index i -- why?
        // we must compare the data at index i with number.
        if (i == data[i])
            return 1;
        else // again we can't just call it a day after checking just one number
            return 0;
    // and as before we need to return some value if we complete the loop

And here is a corrected solution: 这是一个更正的解决方案:


int issumof2(int[], int, int);
int inarray(int[], int, int);

int size = 7;

int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number) {
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            if (i == j)
           if (data[i] + data[j] == number)
               return 1;
    return 0;

int inarray(int data[], int size, int number) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (data[i] == number)
            return 1;
    return 0;

int main() {
    int data[7];
    int i, number = 1;
    printf("Enter 7 numbers: ");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        scanf("%d", &data[i]);

    while(inarray(data, size, number) == 1 || issumof2(data, size, number) == 1)

    printf("Smallest positive integer: %d\n", number);

    return 0;

First Here is the corrected answer for your logic 首先,这是您逻辑的正确答案


int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number);
int inarray(int data[], int size, int number);
int size=7,sum2;
int main()
   int data[7];
   int i, number=1;
   printf("Enter 7 numbers: ");
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
       scanf("%d", &data[i]);
   //I am a little confused about this part. I wasn't sure how to write it.
   while(inarray(data, size, number)==1 || issumof2(data, size, number)==1)//till functions are false

    printf("Smallest positive integer: %d\n", number);                      
    return 0;

int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number)
   int i, j, sum = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        sum2 =data[i]+data[i];
       for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
           sum = data[i] + data[j];           
           if (sum==number || sum2==number) {
           return 1;



   return 0;

int inarray(int data[], int size, int number)

   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
       if (number == data[i]) {
           return 1;

   return 0;

Also I have prepared one more set of code explaining your mistakes. 另外,我还准备了一套解释您的错误的代码。 Hope it helps for you to learn 希望对您有帮助


int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number);
int inarray(int data[], int size, int number);
int size=7,sum2; // Size has be changed from 3 to 7 , since you want to check the for 7 numbers

int main()
   int data[7];
   int i, number=0;
   printf("Enter 7 numbers: ");
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
       scanf("%d", &data[i]);
   //I am a little confused about this part. I wasn't sure how to write it.
//   while(inarray(data, size, number)==0 && issumof2(data, size, number)==0)//till functions are false 

//   I feel its best to check the followin way
//   If any one of the condition is true, then that is not the required number, so increment it
//   else leave the loop which is the required number
   while(inarray(data, size, number)==1 || issumof2(data, size, number)==1)//till functions are false 
        //printf("Smallest positive integer: %d\n", number);   
        // You will print the required number after the loop, not inside the loop

        printf("Smallest positive integer: %d\n", number);                      
    return 0;

int issumof2(int data[], int size, int number)
   int i, j, sum = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        sum2 =data[i]+data[i];
       for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
           sum = data[i] + data[j];           
//           if (sum==data[i] || sum2==data[i]) 
           if (sum==number || sum2==number)  // You are supposed to check the Sum with Number. Not with data irself
               return 1;
//            else
//                return 0; // Returning 0 here is not correct, It should be returned if all the condition are failed. 

   return 0; // Correct place to return 0;

int inarray(int data[], int size, int number)

   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
//       if (i == data[i])
       if (i == number) // You are supposed to check with numbner not with data itself
           return 1;
//       else 
 //           return 0; // You are not supposed to return 0 here. Return is after all the condition is failed

   return 0; // Corect place to return 0

I compiled and ran your code. 我编译并运行了您的代码。 It will print, but runs off into the hundreds of thousands. 它会打印,但会成千上万。

$ gcc code.c
$ ./a.out
>Enter 7 numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --press enter here--

I could somewhat recreate your issue if I pressed enter after a single number. 如果我在输入单个数字后按Enter,则可以稍微重现您的问题。 Make sure you're typing your input as a single line. 确保您输入的内容是一行。

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