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ASP Classic - XML Dom

[英]ASP Classic - XML Dom

I've got the unpleasurable task of working on a Classic ASP site (VBSCRIPT) and need to parse out the following information in a loop. 我有一个令人不愉快的任务是在Classic ASP站点(VBSCRIPT)上工作,需要在循环中解析出以下信息。

  <product ref="xxx">
      <image ref="JCCCCCC" />
      <image ref="JCCCCCD" />
  <product ref="xxx">
      <image ref="JCCCCCC" />
      <image ref="JCCCCCD" />

I'm trying to grab the product refs and then the images (4th main node down) 我正在尝试抓住产品参考然后图像(第4个主节点向下)

I've been faffing with this for a while now and am suffering brain block after not using ASP for over 2 years. 我已经有一段时间对此感到不满,并且在使用ASP超过2年后遭受脑阻塞。

 Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
 Set objLst = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
 Set objHdl = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

 objXML.async = False
 objXML.Load (Server.MapPath("\") & "\xmlupdate\product.xml")

 If objXML.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
     'handle the error
 End If

 Set objLst = objXML.getElementsByTagName("Product")
 SizeofObject = objLst.length-1

 For i = 0 To (SizeofObject-1)

    Set objHnd = objLst.item(i)


Any help would be great before I lose my mind to ASP 在我对ASP失去理智之前,任何帮助都会很棒

--- Additional --- ---附加---

Using this provides a full output as I'd hope its the node attributes I cant seem to grab. 使用它提供了一个完整的输出,因为我希望它的节点属性似乎无法抓住。

Set objLst = objXML.getElementsByTagName("Product")
SizeofObject = objLst.length-1

For each elem in objLst
    set childNodes = elem.childNodes
    for each node in childNodes
        Response.Write node.nodeName & "  =  " & node.text & "<br />" & vbCrLf
    Response.Write "<hr>" & vbCrLf

Final Code To Dump the XML (Cerebrus Below) 最终代码转储XML(下面的Cerebrus)

Set objLst = objXML.getElementsByTagName("Product")
SizeofObject = objLst.length-1

For each elem in objLst
    set childNodes = elem.childNodes
    for each node in childNodes

        Response.Write node.nodeName & "  =  " & node.text & "<br />" & vbCrLf
        If lcase(node.nodeName)="images" then 
            Response.Write("<B>Images Hit</B></br>")
            set xattchildnodes = node.childNodes
            For Each attchildnodes in xattchildnodes
                For Each att in attchildnodes.Attributes
                    Response.Write att.Name & "  =  " & att.text & "<br />" & vbCrLf
        End If
    Response.Write "<hr>" & vbCrLf


Working XPATH Version (modified from Pete Duncanson Below) 使用XPATH版本(从下面的Pete Duncanson修改)

Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXML.Load (Server.MapPath("\") & "\Product.xml")

Dim nodes
set nodes = objXML.selectNodes("//xml/Product")

Dim images

For each node in nodes
    Response.Write("<li>Ref: " & node.getAttribute("ref") & "</li>")
    Set images = node.selectNodes("Images/Image")
    For each image in images
       Response.Write( "<li>Image:"& image.getAttribute("ref") &"</li>" )
    Response.Write( "</ul>" )


Anthony Jones points out that its better to be specific so you may want to change 安东尼琼斯指出,更好的具体,所以你可能想改变

Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")


Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")

Which still works with the final code. 哪个仍适用于最终代码。

Yeah, having to work in classic ASP occasionally transports me back to the Stone age too... I feel your pain! 是的,不得不在经典的ASP工作偶尔将我带回石器时代......我感受到你的痛苦!

IIRC, in your second code snippet, you just need to add : IIRC,在您的第二个代码段中,您只需添加:

for each node in childNodes
  Response.Write node.nodeName & "  =  " & node.text & "<br />" & vbCrLf
  '***Add the following:
  For Each att in node.Attributes
    Response.Write att.Name & "  =  " & att.text & "<br />" & vbCrLf

Switch to using xpath instead and it will be much easier. 切换到使用xpath代替它会更容易。

Dim nodes
nodes = objXML.selectNodes( "//products" )

Dim images

For each node in nodes
    Response.Write( "<ul>" )
    Response.Write( "<li>Ref: " + node.selectNodes( "@ref" ).Text + "</li>" )
    images = node.selectNodes( "images/image" )
    For each image in images
        Response.Write( "<li>Image: " + image.selectNodes( "@ref" ).Text + "</li>" )
    Response.Write( "</ul>" )

I'm a JScript ASP coder, like you not done VBScript for an age so the above "might" need a bit of polish (I had to strip out all the ";" at the end of the all the lines, such is the habit of adding them) but should point you in the right direction at least. 我是一个JScript ASP编码器,就像你没有完成一个年龄的VBScript所以上面的“可能”需要一点点抛光(我必须在所有行的末尾删除所有“;”,例如添加它们的习惯)但至少应指向正确的方向。

Hope that helps. 希望有所帮助。



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