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如果行以特定条件开始,则多行富文本框中的 vb.net 行编号

[英]vb.net Line numbering in multi line Rich Text Box if line starts with specific condition

Let me start by saying that I'm new to any language of coding besides G-code, and I've researched this until my fingers hurt.首先让我说我对 G 代码以外的任何编码语言都不熟悉,我已经研究了这个,直到我的手指受伤。 I've actually been working on this project for a little over a year now on my own, and this is the first hurdle I haven't been able to find my way around.实际上,我自己已经在这个项目上工作了一年多,这是我无法找到的第一个障碍。

I'm creating an editor for cnc G-code, and i'm trying to add a Re-number function to it.我正在为 cnc G 代码创建一个编辑器,我正在尝试向其中添加一个重新编号功能。 I'm using a multi line richtextbox to display the the G-code to the user.我正在使用多行富文本框向用户显示 G 代码。 I'm trying to edit each line of code that starts with the character "N", and if a line doesn't start with that character then it's left alone.我正在尝试编辑以字符“N”开头的每一行代码,如果一行不以该字符开头,则将其保留。

I figured the best way to do this would be to loop thru the RTB and pass each line into an array.我认为最好的方法是通过 RTB 循环并将每一行传递到一个数组中。 Then I could use an If statement to see if a cell in the array started with the char "N" or in my case "blockLetter".然后我可以使用 If 语句来查看数组中的单元格是否以字符“N”或在我的情况下以“blockLetter”开头。 Then use the replace function to correct the line Number.然后使用替换功能更正行号。

This is what I have so far.这是我到目前为止。

Dim increment As Integer = txtLNIncrement.Text
Dim blockLetter As String = txtLNStartTxt.Text
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim block As Integer = count + increment 

For Each cell As String In frmNC.NcTextBox.Lines
  If cell.StartsWith(blockLetter) Then
    Dim newCell As String = cell.Replace(blockLetter, block)
    block = block + increment
  End If

Example of G-code that needs to be renumbered: N50 M01 N60 T0101 (TOOL NAME) N70 M41 N80 G96 S350 N90 M03 N100 M08需要重新编号的 G 代码示例: N50 M01 N60 T0101 (TOOL NAME) N70 M41 N80 G96 S350 N90 M03 N100 M08

This is what I want: N10 M01 N20 T0101 (TOOL NAME) N30 M41 N40 G96 S350 N50 M03 N60 M08这就是我想要的: N10 M01 N20 T0101 (TOOL NAME) N30 M41 N40 G96 S350 N50 M03 N60 M08

This is what I'm getting when I run the code above: 1050 M01 2060 T0101 (TOOL NAME) 3070 M41 4080 G96 S350 5090 M03 60100 M08这就是我在运行上面的代码时得到的结果: 1050 M01 2060 T0101 (TOOL NAME) 3070 M41 4080 G96 S350 5090 M03 60100 M08

I believe my issue is that the cell.replace is splitting each cell at the "N" character, and dropping it all together.我相信我的问题是 cell.replace 在“N”字符处拆分每个单元格,然后将它们放在一起。 Thus adding what I want to see in front of the existing numbers, minus the "N" character.因此在现有数字前面添加我想看到的内容,减去“N”字符。 How can I overwrite the existing block number to the correct ascending block number, and retain the "N" character?如何将现有块号覆盖为正确的升序块号,并保留“N”字符? Am I going about this in the correct way, or is there a better way?我是以正确的方式解决这个问题的,还是有更好的方法? Any help is greatly appreciated.任何帮助是极大的赞赏。

Try something like this out:尝试这样的事情:

Private increment As Integer = 10
Private blockLetter As String = "N"

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim newLine As String
    Dim values() As String
    Dim lineNumber As Integer = 0
    Dim lines As New List(Of String)(NcTextBox.Lines)
    For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Count - 1
        If lines(i).TrimStart().StartsWith(blockLetter) Then
            values = lines(i).TrimStart(" " & blockLetter.ToCharArray).Split(" ")
            lineNumber = lineNumber + increment
            values(0) = lineNumber
            newLine = blockLetter & String.Join(" ", values)
            lines(i) = newLine
        End If
    NcTextBox.Lines = lines.ToArray
End Sub

it's very simple:这很简单:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
     Dim blockLetter As String = "N"
    Dim increment As Integer = 1
    For i As Integer = 0 To RichTextBox1.Lines.Length - 1 Step 1
        Dim fullLine As String = RichTextBox1.Lines(i)

        If fullLine.StartsWith(blockLetter) Then
            Dim numbering As String = fullLine.Remove(RichTextBox1.Lines(i).IndexOf(" "))
            Dim block As Integer = numbering.Substring(1)
            Dim newCell As String = blockLetter & block + increment
        End If

End Sub


The Label1.Text will increase with button click. Label1.Text 会随着按钮的点击而增加。

It's all about Substring() starting from index 1 after 'N', so you will get the number.这都是关于 Substring() 从 'N' 之后的索引 1 开始的,所以你会得到这个数字。

Good luck with your coding!祝你编码好运!

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