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[英]MIPS assembly a simple for loop (2)

This is my 1st effort towards learning looping in MIPS. 这是我在MIPS中学习循环的第一步。

    spc: .asciiz ", "

.globl main

    li $t0, 0

    bgt     $t0, 14, exit # branch if($t0 > 14) 
    addi    $t0, $t0, 1 # $t0++ for loop increment

    # print a comma
    la  $a0, spc # copy spc to $a0 for printing
    li  $v0, 4 # syscall value for strings

    # repeat loop
    j   loop

    li  $v0, 10 # syscall value for program termination

Output: 输出:

 -- program is finished running (dropped off bottom) --

This program is supposed to print 15 commas in the I/O console. 该程序应该在I / O控制台中打印15个逗号。 That isn't taking place. 那没有发生。

What could be the issue? 可能是什么问题?

Ref: MIPS assembly for a simple for loop 参考: MIPS组件,用于简单的for循环

You assembled all your code into the .data section; 您将所有代码汇编到.data节中; you never switched back to .text . 您永远不会切换回.text

If you're using MARS, the GUI shows no asm instructions in the disassembly (after assembling). 如果您使用的是MARS,则GUI(反汇编后)中不会显示反汇编指令。 This is why. 这就是为什么。

Apparently instead of faulting on main being in a non-executable page, MARS simply decides that the program "dropped off the bottom" as soon as you start it. 显然,MARS并没有在没有执行页面的main上犯错,而只是在启动该程序后立即决定该程序“脱离底层”。

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