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[英]Get a value from a variable of a class, via reflection and then use methods of a value

I'm trying to get a value from a variable of a class via reflection way.我正在尝试通过反射方式从类的变量中获取值。 For example, I have the Car class and it has engine property.例如,我有Car类,它有引擎属性。 Also, in the Engine class, I override the toString() method and defined one more hello() method.此外,在Engine类中,我覆盖了toString()方法并定义了另外一个hello()方法。

And then when I try to get a value via然后当我尝试通过

getDeclaredField() method, seems like I get a correct value of Engine instance, but for some reasons I can't call method hello() on it. getDeclaredField()方法,似乎我得到了Engine实例的正确值,但由于某些原因,我无法在其上调用方法hello()

Car class汽车

public class Car {
    final Engine engine = new Engine();

Engine class发动机

public class Engine {

    public void hello() {

    public String toString() {
        return "Engine";

Main class

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Field field = Car.class.getDeclaredField("engine");
            Object value = field.get(new Car());

            // It's print Engine as expected

            // But I can't call hello() method
            // value.hello()

        } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {

To call the hello() method, first verify that your value is an instance of Engine (using instanceof ) and then cast value to an Engine .要调用hello()方法,首先验证您的valueEngine的实例(使用instanceof ),然后value转换为Engine Like,喜欢,

// Check type, cast instance and call hello() method
if (value instanceof Engine) {
    ((Engine) value).hello();

which you can also write like你也可以这样写

if (value instanceof Engine) {

it's also common to save the Class reference and use it instead of hardcoding the particular Class you are working with;保存Class引用并使用它而不是对您正在使用的特定Class进行硬编码也很常见; for example,例如,

Class<? extends Engine> cls = Engine.class
// ...
if (cls.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {

You also need to call你还需要打电话


before you try to access it.在您尝试访问它之前。
Though that may be only for private fields, see @Elliott.Frisch reply尽管这可能仅适用于私有字段,但请参阅 @Elliott.Frisch 回复

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