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[英]How can I use php to go through this json and add the items inside it to a mysqli database?

I am trying to allow an android user to replace a database table. 我正在尝试允许android用户替换数据库表。 My app reads in a excel spreadsheet from the phone, adds each row into a json, and then serializes the json to get a string: 我的应用程序从手机读取excel电子表格,将每行添加到json,然后序列化json以获取字符串:

[{"name":"catheter","alts":"cathater, cathiter, cath","num":"134"}, 

My app then sends the serializes json to a php file on my server where I 然后,我的应用将序列化json发送到服务器上的php文件中,


to get to the array in question: 进入有问题的数组:

array(2) {  [0]=>  object(stdClass)#2 (4) {    ["name"]=>    string(8) 
"catheter"    ["alts"]=>    string(24) "cathater, cathiter, cath"    
["num"]=>    string(3) "134"    }  [1]=>  object(stdClass)#3 (4) {    
["name"]=>    string(4) "cast"    ["alts"]=>    string(0) ""    
["number"]=>    string(0) ""    }}

I'm php stupid, but I have tried a BUNCH of stuff. 我是php愚蠢的人,但是我尝试了很多东西。 This will tell me how many items there are in the array: 这将告诉我数组中有多少个项目:

$count = 0;
$something = json_decode($serializedJsonString, true);
foreach($something as $obj){
    $count = $count+1;
echo $count;

I really need to be able to refer to each items key-value pairs so I can add them to a database which has columns for name, alt_names, and number. 我确实需要能够引用每个项目的键值对,以便将它们添加到具有名称,alt_names和数字列的数据库中。 Thanks a bundle. 谢谢捆绑。

May be this can help you : 也许这可以帮助您:

$serializedString= '[{"name":"catheter","alts":"cathater, cathiter, cath","num":"134"}, 

$res = json_decode($serializedString, true);

function for isert data (call it while looping the array) 用于isert数据的函数(在循环数组时调用它)

function insert($element , $mysqli){
    if(isset($element['name']) && isset($element['alts']) && isset($element['num'])){
     $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO myTable (name, alt_names,number ) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
     $stmt->bind_param($element['name'], $element['alts'],$element['num']);


your main script : 您的主要脚本:

$host = 'insert here the host';
$db = 'name of your database';
$username= 'db username';
$password = 'password db';

 // create database connection
 $mysqli = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $db);
 $mysqli->autocommit(FALSE); // manage transaction

foreach($res as $key => $value){
$count = 0;
$something = json_decode($serializedJsonString, true);
foreach($arr as $item){
    $name = $item["name"];
    $alts = $item["alts"];
    $num = $item["num"];
//make insert query here.

You could do something like this: 您可以执行以下操作:


$count = 0;
$elems = json_decode($serializedJsonString, true);

$stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO items (name, alt_names, number) VALUES (?,?,?)');

foreach($elems as $elem){
    $stmt->bind_param("ssi", $elem['name'], $elem['alts'], $elem['num']);
    $count = $count+1;

echo $count;

This is also safe against any SQL injection . 这对于任何SQL注入也是安全的。 And I've supposed that location and id are nullable and not available at the moment of this operation. 而且我认为location和id可为空,并且在执行此操作时不可用。

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