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Haskell MonadWriter类型签名

[英]Haskell MonadWriter type signature

Noob question on MonadWriter: 关于MonadWriter的Noob问题:

monadWrite :: Writer String Int
monadWrite = writer (3003, "log 1\n") 

Why is it that String comes first in the typesig and Int second, while 3003 is clearly an Int while "log 1\\n" is a String . 为什么String在typesig和Int second中排在第一位,而3003显然是Int"log 1\\n"String Trivial I know, but I would like to understand. 琐事,我知道,但我想明白。

There is no particular reason to put the result ( 3003 ) first and the output ( "log 1\\n" ) second in the argument to writer . 没有特别的理由将结果( 3003 )放在第一位,将输出( "log 1\\n" )放在参数的第二位给writer The order was, I suppose, chosen to correspond to the internal representation of WriterT : 我想,订单选择与WriterT内部表示相对WriterT

newtype WriterT w m a = WriterT { runWriterT :: m (a, w) }

(for Writer , m is identity). (对于Writerm是身份)。

However, in the type signature for Writer , the order of arguments matters. 但是,在Writer的类型签名中,参数的顺序很重要。 If we look at, for example, the Functor typeclass with a member 例如,如果我们查看带有成员的Functor类型类

fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

it makes it possible to substitute Writer String (or generally, Writer result ) for f and obtain 它使得可以用f替换Writer String (或者通常是Writer result )并获得

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Writer result a -> Writer result b

which is exactly the correct order of arguments. 这正是参数的正确顺序。 Swapping them would make implementing Functor impossible (without some trickery). 交换它们会使Functor不可能实现(没有一些技巧)。

This is true for all types/functions which take more than one parameter: the only way they can be used as one-argument types/functions is by varying the last argument, not the other ones. 对于所有带有多个参数的类型/函数都是如此:它们可以用作单参数类型/函数的唯一方法是改变最后一个参数,而不是其他参数。

See related questions discussing similar issues: 查看讨论类似问题的相关问题:

Switch order of arguments for instance declaration in Haskell 切换Haskell中实例声明的参数顺序

Currying out of order in Haskell 在Haskell中出现故障

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