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如何使用 Feign Client 下载 pdf 文件?

[英]How to download pdf file using Feign Client?

In our project we are using feign client to make a call to third party service.在我们的项目中,我们使用 feign client 调用第三方服务。 For content type application/json it's working fine.对于内容类型 application/json,它工作正常。 But we have a requirement where a third party service URL return pdf file and that time we are getting exception.但是我们有一个要求,第三方服务 URL 返回 pdf 文件,而那个时候我们遇到了异常。

Due to security reason I can not paste the logs and code but if any one share me the code to download a pdf file from feign client that would be very helpful to me.由于安全原因,我无法粘贴日志和代码,但如果有人与我分享从 feign 客户端下载 pdf 文件的代码,那将对我非常有帮助。

Thanks in advance!!提前致谢!!

You could use byte[] as return type.您可以使用byte[]作为返回类型。

@FeignClient(url = "url", name = "name")
public interface SomeFeignClient {

    byte[] getPDF();

Your service would simply call您的服务只需调用

public byte[] getPDF() {
   return SomeFeignClient.getPDF();

Now with the bytes array you could perform any operation you want, for example saving the file using现在使用字节数组,您可以执行任何您想要的操作,例如使用保存文件

FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File("pathname"), resource);

or provide an endpoint to download the file (Spring boot can return pretty much anything without use of any external library)或者提供一个端点来下载文件(Spring boot 可以返回几乎任何东西而无需使用任何外部库)

ResponseEntity getPDF() {

    byte[] resource = SomeFeignClient.getPDF();

    return ResponseEntity.ok()

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