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为什么这个循环的结果是 20 而不是 120?

[英]Why does this loop show 20 as the result instead of 120?

Why does this loop show 20 as the result instead of 120?为什么这个循环的结果是 20 而不是 120?

ORG 100H 
  facto dw ? 
   MOV CX, 5 
   MOV AX, 5
   DEC CX  
   repeat : 
     MUL CX 
     MOV facto , AX 
   LOOP repeat 

The code works fine, although with a few unneeded commands.尽管有一些不需要的命令,但代码运行良好。 Here is the full code for testing in FASM.这是在 FASM 中进行测试的完整代码。 You'll see that I combined mov cx, 5 and dec cx into mov cx, 4 and moved assignment from ax to facto away from the loop to avoid unnecessary code execution.您会看到我将 mov cx, 5 和 dec cx 组合成 mov cx, 4 并将赋值从 ax 移到远离循环的 facto 以避免不必要的代码执行。

format PE console
entry main
include '%INCLUDE%/win32a.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable
facto dd 0

section '.text' code readable executable

    mov ecx, 4
    mov eax, 5
    mul ecx
loop L0
    mov [facto], eax
    invoke  ExitProcess,    eax

section '.idata' data import readable
library kernel32,'kernel32.dll'

import kernel32,\

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