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在有条件的情况下使用“ 0”时,为什么在React中渲染“ 0”?

[英]When using `0` in a conditional why does the `0` render in React?

I have no idea why, but I was getting a load of 0 's being rendered on the page. 我不知道为什么,但是在页面上呈现的负载为0 Finally I narrowed it down to a zero/ 0 that I wasn't forcing to be a boolean. 最终,我将其范围缩小为零/ 0 ,这不是我要强制成为布尔值。 React will not render any other digit other than 0 React不会呈现0以外的任何其他数字

https://codesandbox.io/s/pyk11w5y5j https://codesandbox.io/s/pyk11w5y5j

Why does 0 render but 10 for example, does not render? 为什么0渲染但10例如不渲染?

function App() {
  const weirdOh = -0;
  const testParam = true;

  return (
    <div className="App">
      {testParam && weirdOh && <h1>Will Show</h1>}
      <h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>

Fix 固定

{testParam && !!weirdOh && <h1>Will SHow</h1>}

Numbers are perfectly valid values in react, and 0 is just that, a number. 在react中,数字是完全有效的值,而0只是数字。

Make sure to convert it to a boolean to avoid this, since false doesn't render anything: 确保将其转换为布尔值以避免这种情况,因为false不会呈现任何内容:

{testParam && !!weirdOh && <h1>Will Show</h1>}

or 要么

{testParam && weirdOh !== 0 && <h1>Will Show</h1>}

If you set weirdOh to a non-zero number, then it won't be falsy, and your <h1> will be returned from the expression and be rendered. 如果将weirdOh设置为非零数字,则不会出错,并且<h1>将从表达式返回并呈现。

This is not related to react, but simply how && in JS works: 这与react无关,而只是JS中的&&的工作方式:

  • (1 && 'test') === 'test' because after a truthy value, you go to the next one in the chain (1 && 'test') === 'test'因为在获得真实值之后,您转到链中的下一个
  • (0 && 'test') === 0 because as soon as you hit a falsy value, that value is used (0 && 'test') === 0因为一旦您击中一个伪造的值,就会使用该值

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