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如何更改在AOLServer / CentOS 6上上传文件的最大大小?

[英]How to change the max size for file upload on AOLServer/CentOS 6?

We have a portal for our customers that allow them to start new projects directly on our platform. 我们为客户提供门户,使他们可以直接在我们的平台上启动新项目。 The problem is that we cannot upload documents bigger than 10MO. 问题是我们不能上传大于10MO的文档。

Every time I try to upload a file bigger than 10Mo, I have a "The connection was reset" error. 每次尝试上传大于10Mo的文件时,都会出现“连接已重置”错误。 After some research it seems that I need to change the max size for uploads but I don't know where to do it. 经过一番研究后,我似乎需要更改上传的最大大小,但我不知道该在哪里做。 I'm on CentOS 6.4/RedHat with AOL Server. 我在带有AOL服务器的CentOS 6.4 / RedHat上。 Language: TCL. 语言:TCL。

Anyone has an idea on how to do it? 有人对如何做有想法吗?


In the end I could solve the problem with the command ns_limits set default -maxupload 500000000 . 最后,我可以使用命令ns_limits set default -maxupload 500000000解决该问题。

In your config.tcl , add the following line to the nssock module section: config.tclnssock添加到nssock模块部分:

 set max_file_upload_mb 25
 # ...      
 ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
     # ...
     ns_param maxinput [expr {$max_file_upload_mb * 1024 * 1024}]
     # ...

It is also advised to constrain the upload times, by setting: 还建议通过设置以下方式来限制上传时间:

 set max_file_upload_min 5
 # ...      
 ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
     # ...
     ns_param  recvwait  [expr {$max_file_upload_min * 60}]

If running on top of nsopenssl , you will have to set those configuration values ( maxinput , recvwait ) in a different section . 如果在nsopenssl上运行,则必须在其他部分中设置那些配置值( maxinputrecvwait )。

I see that you are running Project Open. 我看到您正在运行Project Open。 As well as setting the maxinput value for AOLserver, as described by mrcalvin, you also need to set 2 parameters in the Site Map: maxinput所述,除了设置AOLserver的maxinput值外,还需要在站点地图中设置2个参数:

  • Attachments package: parameter "MaximumFileSize" 附件包:参数“ MaximumFileSize”
  • File Storage package: parameter "MaximumFileSize" 文件存储包:参数“ MaximumFileSize”

These should be set to values in bytes, but not larger than the maxinput value for AOLserver. 这些值应设置为以字节为单位的值,但不得大于AOLserver的maxinput值。 See the Project Open documentation for more info. 有关更多信息,请参见Project Open文档

In the case where you are running Project Open using a reverse proxy, check the documentation here for Pound and here for Nginx . 如果您使用反向代理运行Project Open,请查看此处的文档PoundNginx Most likely you will need to set a larger file upload limit there too. 您很可能也需要在此处设置较大的文件上传限制。

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