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[英]How to automatically create a Date Stamp while monitoring specific Cells and Notes for changes

I have a spreadsheet at work that we use to track a variety of things, but I need to have a Cell (G1) updated with a Date Stamp as other Cells (H1:BA1) are updated, or if a Note on any of those Cells is created/updated. 我有一个用于跟踪各种事物的电子表格,但是我需要在其他单元格(H1:BA1)更新时使用日期戳更新单元格(G1),或者是否有关于这些元素的注释单元被创建/更新。

Best I can find is this or that , but they don't account for Notes. 我能找到的最好的是thisthat ,但是它们并不能说明Notes。

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 任何帮助将不胜感激!

thanks for checking out my post. 感谢您检查我的帖子。 Unfortunately you can't have a timestamp created for notes, as far as I am aware. 不幸的是,据我所知,您无法为笔记创建时间戳。

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