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[英]Hyperstack add dynamic class to manual class names

I need to add a dynamic class to some regular classes while updating syntax for Hyperstack: 我需要在更新Hyperstack的语法时为一些常规类添加动态类:

div.upload_header.text_left(class: ('uploaded' if 
FileUploads.complete?)) do

Should become something like this: 应该成为这样的事情:

DIV(class: 'upload-header text-left (dynamic 'uploaded' should go 
here)') do

I just can't seem to figure out how/if regular and dynamic classes can be declared together. 我似乎无法弄清楚如何将常规和动态类一起声明。

String interpolation can be done conditionally: 字符串插值可以有条件地完成:

DIV(class: "upload-header text-left #{'uploaded' if FileUploads.complete?}")

The class parameter can also accept an array: class参数也可以接受一个数组:

def upload_header_classes
  ['upload-header', 'text-left'].tap do |classes|
    classes << 'uploaded' if FileUploads.complete?

DIV(class: upload_header_classes)

I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to do it too, this is ruby! 我确信还有很多其他方法可以做到这一点,这就是红宝石!

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