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[英]Write a Regex to extract number before '/'

I don't want to use string split because I have numbers 1-99, and a column of string that contain '#/#' somewhere in the text. 我不想使用字符串拆分,因为我有数字1-99,并且在文本中某处包含'#/#'的字符串列。

How can I write a regex to extract the number 10 in the following example: 在以下示例中,如何编写正则表达式来提取数字10:

He got 10/19 questions right.

Use a lookahead to match on the / , like this: 先行匹配/ ,如下所示:


You may need to escape the / if your implementation uses it as its delimiter. 如果您的实现使用/作为分隔符,则可能需要转义。

Live example: https://regex101.com/r/xdT4vq/1 实时示例: https//regex101.com/r/xdT4vq/1

You can still use str.split() if you carefully construct logic around it: 如果您仔细构造str.split()逻辑,仍可以使用它:

t = "He got 10/19 questions right."
t2 = "He/she got 10/19 questions right"

for q in [t,t2]:

    # split whole string at spaces
    # split each part at / 
    # only keep parts that contain / but not at 1st position and only consists
    # out of numbers elsewise
    numbers = [x.split("/") for x in q.split() 
               if "/" in x and all(c in "0123456789/" for c in x)
              and not x.startswith("/")]
    if numbers:

Output: 输出:

res = re.search('(\d+)/\d+', r'He got 10/19 questions right.')
import re
myString = "He got 10/19 questions right."
oldnumber = re.findall('[0-9]+/', myString)  #find one or more digits followed by a slash.
newNumber = oldnumber[0].replace("/","")  #get rid of the slash.


Find all numbers before the forward-slash and exclude the forward-slash by using start-stop parentheses. 在正斜杠之前找到所有数字,并使用起止括号将正斜杠排除在外。

>>> import re
>>> myString = 'He got 10/19 questions right.'
>>> stringNumber = re.findall('([0-9]+)/', myString)
>>> stringNumber

This returns all numbers ended with a forward-slash, but in a list of strings. 这将返回所有以正斜杠结尾但在字符串列表中的数字。 if you want integers, you should map your list with int , then make a list again. 如果需要整数,则应将列表与int map ,然后再次创建一个list

>>> intNumber = list(map(int, stringNumber))
>>> intNumber

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