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[英]eslint on dynamically changing file list

I'd like to run eslint on modified files only. eslint对修改后的文件运行eslint I've created a new run target in package.json to run eslint from command line ( git diff --name-only --relative | grep -E '.*\\\\.(vue|js)$' | xargs eslint --ext .js,.vue ). 我已经在package.json创建了一个新的运行目标,以便从命令行运行eslintgit diff --name-only --relative | grep -E '.*\\\\.(vue|js)$' | xargs eslint --ext .js,.vue eslint git diff --name-only --relative | grep -E '.*\\\\.(vue|js)$' | xargs eslint --ext .js,.vue )。 In theory, this should work fine, but there's a little transformation step happening in my project (a string replacement) when bundling the files with webpack that will throw off eslint (some non-standard markup will be expanded to JS). 从理论上讲,这应该可以正常工作,但是当使用webpack捆绑文件时,我的项目中发生了一些转换步骤(字符串替换),这将使eslint (某些非标准标记将扩展为JS)。

What are my options and how would I go about implementing them? 我有什么选择,我将如何实施它们? For instance, could I execute a particular webpack rule/loader and pipe the result to eslint ? 例如,我可以执行特定的webpack规则/加载程序并将结果传递给eslint吗? Another option I see is to include eslint into the webpack rule/loader process (instead of executing it from the command line), but how would I then filter on files that are currently modified (could this be handled by a temporary file that contains the git diff... result?) 我看到的另一个选择是将eslint包含在webpack规则/加载器进程中(而不是从命令行执行),但是我将如何过滤当前已修改的文件(可以由包含以下内容的临时文件处理) git diff...结果?)

I've got a somewhat working approach. 我有一种可行的方法。 I chose to modify webpack.base.conf.js instead of going for the command line solution to make use of the already existing string replacement loader. 我选择修改webpack.base.conf.js而不是使用命令行解决方案来利用已经存在的字符串替换加载程序。

The files are collected in the WebpackBeforeBuildPlugin callback function and instead of a regex based test variable, a function is used which checks against the previously collected files. 这些文件收集在WebpackBeforeBuildPlugin回调函数中,而不是使用基于正则表达式的测试变量,而是使用一个函数检查先前收集的文件。

const exec = require('child_process').exec;
const WebpackBeforeBuildPlugin = require('before-build-webpack');
var modFilesList = new Set([]);
const srcPath = resolve('.');

      rules: [{
        test: function(filename) {
          let relFilename = path.relative(srcPath, filename);
          let lint = modFilesList.has(relFilename);
          return lint
        loader: 'eslint-loader',
        include: resolve('src'),
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        options: {
          formatter: require('eslint-friendly-formatter'),
          cache: false
      }, {
       ... other string replacement loader ...

   plugins: [
    new WebpackBeforeBuildPlugin(function(stats, callback) {
      // Collect changed files before building.
      let gitCmd = 'git diff --name-only --relative | grep -E ".*\\.(vue|js)$"';
      const proc = exec(gitCmd, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
        if (stdout) {
          let files = stdout.split('\n');
          modFilesList = new Set(files);
        if (error !== null) {
          console.log(`exec error: ${error}`);

The only problem at the moment is that when git file changes occur, they don't trigger a re-linting based on these file changes (ie new file is changed, or previously (before starting webpack-dev-server) changed file changes are discarded). 当前唯一的问题是,当git文件发生更改时,它们不会基于这些文件更改(即,新文件已更改,或之前(在启动webpack-dev-server之前)更改的文件更改)触发重新lint丢弃)。 I checked everything I could. 我检查了一切。 The change is registered and stored in modFilesList , the test function is executed and returns true (for a new change in a previously unchanged file) or false in case the change was discarded. 更改将被注册并存储在modFilesList ,执行测试功能并返回true(对于以前未更改的文件中的新更改)或false(如果更改被放弃)。 I also played with the cache option to no avail. 我也玩过cache选项无济于事。 It seems that at initial load, eslint-loader caches the files it will lint in future (don't know if that's a result of using a test function instead of a regex or also the case with the regex). 似乎在初始加载时, eslint-loader缓存了将来将要掉毛的文件(不知道这是使用测试功能而不是regex还是regex的结果)。 Is anyone having an idea or has seen this before (eslint-loader not updating the file list)? 是否有人有想法或曾经见过此想法(eslint-loader未更新文件列表)?

Update 更新资料

This seems to be a problem with webpack (or one of the other loaders) as the eslint-loader isn't even executed when the file changed. 这似乎是webpack(或其他加载程序之一)的问题,因为文件更改后甚至没有执行eslint加载程序。 The test function however is executed which is a bit weird. 但是执行了test功能,这有点奇怪。 I don't fully understand how loaders work or how they play together, so there might be some other loader that is causing this... 我不完全了解装载机的工作方式或它们如何共同发挥作用,因此可能还有其他装载机导致了此情况...

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