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[英]C# WPF - Can't bind list items to gridview columns

I'm trying to load a list with multiple properties into a gridview column in a listview. 我正在尝试将具有多个属性的列表加载到listview的gridview列中。 I did setup a model class, pulled network adapters into a list and also wrote down the binding in the xaml code. 我确实设置了一个模型类,将网络适配器放入列表中,并且还在xaml代码中写下了绑定。 It's still not working. 它仍然无法正常工作。

I probobaly forgot to implement a step or used the wrong logic. 我可能忘记执行某个步骤或使用了错误的逻辑。 Also I tried to look into other threads, but none of them seemed to fix the issue I have. 我也尝试研究其他线程,但是似乎没有一个线程可以解决我遇到的问题。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

.xaml .xaml

<ListView Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Width="auto" Margin="10" Name="ListView">
    <GridView AllowsColumnReorder="true" x:Name="GridView">
      <GridViewColumn Header="Name" Width="auto" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}"/>
     <GridViewColumn Header="Interface" Width="auto" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Interface}"/>
      <GridViewColumn Header="Status" Width="auto" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Status}"/>
</ListView >

window.xaml.cs window.xaml.cs

public MainWindow()
  List<Netadapter> adapters = new List<Netadapter>();
  foreach (NetworkInterface netadapter in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
    Netadapter adapter = new Netadapter(netadapter.Name, netadapter.Description, netadapter.OperationalStatus.ToString());
  this.DataContext = this;

Netadapter.cs (model) Netadapter.cs(模型)

public class Netadapter
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public string Interface { get; set; }
  public string Status { get; set; }

  public Netadapter(string _name, string _interface, string _status)
    this.Name = _name;
    this.Interface = _interface;
    this.Status = _status;

Your ListView needs to reference the list of Netadapters . 您的ListView需要引用Netadapters的列表。

First of all, make the list of adapters a public property: 首先,将适配器列表设为公共属性:

public MainWindow()
    Adapters = new ObservableCollection<Netadapter>();
    // Add adapters
    this.DataContext = this;

public ObservableCollection<Netadapter> Adapters { get; set; }

Second, bind the public propery to the ListViews ItemsSource : 其次,将公共属性绑定到ListViews ItemsSource

<ListView Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Width="auto" Margin="10" Name="ListView" ItemsSource="{Binding Adapters}" >

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