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PHP if语句无法正常运行

[英]PHP if statement not functioning correctly

I am trying to run an if statment then checks if a cell in database holds a certain value then it sets a variable, if it does not contain that value then it sets a different value 我正在尝试运行一个if语句,然后检查数据库中的某个单元格是否具有某个值,然后设置一个变量,如果不包含该值,则设置一个不同的值

I have tried the following code 我尝试了以下代码

        case "Chemistry":
        $type_tarin_text = ' Exp in ';
        if($user_playerdata_tab['profile_type']='Drug Runner') {
        $treining_value =$sp_value*11;
        } else {
        $treining_value =$sp_value*10;

It is currently setting the $treining_value as $sp_value*11 regardless of wether profile_type is 'Drug Runner' or not. 当前,无论profile_type是否为“ Drug Runner”,都将$ treining_value设置为$ sp_value * 11。

Please use == or strict === since you're expecting a string. 请使用==或strict ===因为您需要一个字符串。

You're now assigning a variable which is likely not what you are trying to do. 现在,您正在分配一个变量,该变量可能与您尝试执行的操作不同。

As others have helpfully pointed out, the issue is here: 正如其他人有帮助的指出的那样,问题出在这里:

$user_playerdata_tab['profile_type']='Drug Runner'

The single = means assignment. 单个=表示分配。 What you were intending to do was to test whether the two were equal. 您打算做的是测试两者是否相等。

That means using == - or, to be more strict, use === (make that your go-to equality check in the future - you'll thank us later) 这意味着使用== -或更严格地说,使用=== (使您将来进行均等检查-您稍后会感谢我们)

Your other assignments are fine, though I would recommend a single space both sides of your = signs for readability 您的其他作业也可以,但我建议您在=符号的两侧各留一个空格,以提高可读性

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