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[英]Why does MSVC optimize away this memcpy call?

I have the following C code (I shortened it removing some other calls and checks): 我有以下C代码(我缩短了它删除其他一些调用和检查):

#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory.h>

extern char buffer[];

extern void getstr1(char *buff, int buflen);
extern void getstr2(char **s);
extern void dosomething(char *s);

void myfn()
    char *s, *s1;
    int len;

    getstr1(buffer, 128);

    len = *s + *buffer;
    memcpy(buffer + *buffer + 1, s + 1, (*s) * sizeof(char));
    *buffer = len;


MSVC with the /O2 optimization option produces the following output: 带有/ O2优化选项的MSVC产生以下输出:

_s$ = -4                                                ; size = 4
void myfn(void) PROC                                 ; myfn, COMDAT
        push    ecx
        push    128                           ; 00000080H
        push    OFFSET char * buffer             ; buffer
        call    void getstr1(char *,int)           ; getstr1
        lea     eax, DWORD PTR _s$[esp+12]
        push    eax
        call    void getstr2(char * *)                    ; getstr2
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR _s$[esp+16]
        push    OFFSET char * buffer             ; buffer
        mov     al, BYTE PTR [eax]
        add     BYTE PTR char * buffer, al
        call    void dosomething(char *)              ; dosomething
        add     esp, 20                             ; 00000014H
        ret     0
void myfn(void) ENDP                                 ; myfn

You can check this on Godbolt 你可以在Godbolt上查看

Why did the compiler omit the memcpy call? 为什么编译器会省略memcpy调用? It's interesting that declaring the external variable as "extern char buffer[N];" 有趣的是,将外部变量声明为“extern char buffer [N];” where N >= 2 or as "extern char *buffer;" 其中N> = 2或“extern char * buffer;” makes the compiler use memcpy. 使编译器使用memcpy。 Also replacing memcpy with memmove does the same thing. 用memmove替换memcpy也可以做同样的事情。 I know about possible UB when the source and destination regions overlap but here the compiler doesn't have knowledge of this. 当源和目标区域重叠时,我知道可能的UB,但这里编译器不知道这一点。

I think this is a bug in MSVC as what you are doing is legal. 我认为这是MSVC中的一个错误,因为你所做的是合法的。

Note that there has been a similar bug filed already titled: Release build with speed optimize leaves an array uninitialized . 请注意,已经出现了一个类似的错误标题: 使用速度优化的版本构建使数组未初始化

The code given to reproduce the problem in the bug report also uses an extern type array[]; 在错误报告中重现问题的代码也使用了extern type array[];

As per the team, this issue is fixed in an upcoming release (which is not mentioned). 根据团队的说法,此问题已在即将发布的版本中修复(未提及)。

What you do is perfectly legal, this is definitely a bug in MSVC. 你所做的是完全合法的,这绝对是MSVC中的一个错误。

Here is a stripped down version to file a bug report: 这是一个用于提交错误报告的精简版本:

#include <string.h>

extern unsigned char buffer[], *s;

void myfn() {
    memcpy(buffer + *buffer + 1, s + 1, *s);
    *buffer = 1;

Compiles to: 编译为:

void myfn(void) PROC                                 ; myfn, COMDAT
        mov     BYTE PTR unsigned char * buffer, 1
        ret     0
void myfn(void) ENDP                                 ; myfn

Removing the statement *buffer = 1; 删除语句*buffer = 1; prevents the code generation bug. 防止代码生成错误。
Check it on Godbolt's Compiler Explorer . Godbolt的Compiler Explorer上查看它。

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