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[英]Is unique_lock unlocked when a function is called?

Let's say I have a situation like this: 假设我有这样的情况:

void consumer(){
   unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx);

void foo(){
    /* does the thread still own the mutex here? */

I expect it does but I'm not 100% sure. 我希望可以,但是我不确定100%。

The destructor of unique_lock calls mtx.unlock() . unique_lock的析构unique_lock调用mtx.unlock() The destructor is called at the end of the lifetime of the lock. 析构函数在锁的生存期结束时被调用。 Generally (see comments), the end of the lifetime of the lock is : 通常(请参见注释),锁的生存期结束为:

void consumer(){
   unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx);
} // <- here.

So yes, it'll still be locked. 是的,它仍然会被锁定。

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