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在iPad3上运行应用程序时,在模拟器上没有变量,但变量没有显示。 斯威夫特4

[英]I get nil on a variable when running app on iPad3 but not on simulator. Swift 4

In my 1st app I have a function that posts to Firebase as [String:String] dictionary, and in Firebase I see all values posted are String . 在我的第一个应用程序中,我有一个函数以[String:String]字典形式发布到Firebase,在Firebase中,我看到发布的所有值都是String In my 2nd app I have a function that reads that node and retrieves as [String:String] also, but in the snapshot print two of the values, Booking Date and Booking Id look like Int . 在我的第二个应用程序中,我有一个读取该节点并也以[String:String]检索的函数,但是在快照中打印了两个值, Booking DateBooking Id看起来像Int I than actually make them Int like I need them to be and when I run my 2nd app on simulator iOS 12.1 it't all good and works as expected, but when I run it on my iPad 3 iOS 9.3.5 app crashes because let bookingId = Int(value["Booking Id"]!) is nil, but that doesn't happen with let bookingDate = Int(value["Booking Date"]!) . 我不是真正让他们Int就像我需要他们,当我在模拟器上运行我的第二个应用程序iOS 12.1 it't都好,按预期工作,但是当我在我的iPad 3运行iOS 9.3.5的应用程序崩溃,因为let bookingId = Int(value["Booking Id"]!)为nil,但是如果let bookingDate = Int(value["Booking Date"]!)则不会发生这种情况。 Looks like iPad doesn't like converting more than one value. 似乎iPad不喜欢转换多个值。 Do you see any solution to this? 您看到对此有任何解决方案吗? Here is the function: 这是函数:

func getMyBookings() {

    let ref = Database.database().reference()
    ref.child("Continent").child("Europe").child("Country").child("Italy").child("Region").child("Emilia-Romagna").child("City").child("Bologna").child("Shops").child("Workshop Bookings").queryOrdered(byChild: "Shop Name").queryEqual(toValue: "Spezial Cycle").observe(.value)  { (snapshot) in

        //        ref.child("Continent").child("Europe").child("Country").child("Italy").child("Region").child("Emilia-Romagna").child("City").child("Bologna").child("Shops").child("Workshop Bookings").queryOrdered(byChild: "Shop Name").queryEqual(toValue: "Spezial Cycle").observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in

        if let data = snapshot.value as? [String: [String:String]] {

            for (_, value) in
                    let bookingDate = Int(value["Booking Date"]!)!
                    //                        let bookingDate = value["Booking Date"]!
                    print("bookingDate is: \(String(describing: bookingDate))")
                    let bookingStart = value["Booking Start"]
                    let bookingEnd = value["Booking End"]
                    let customerName = value["User Name"]
                    let bookingId = Int(value["Booking Id"]!)!
                    print("bookingId is :\(String(describing: bookingId))")
                    let booking: (bookingDate: Int, bookingStart: String, bookingEnd: String, customerName: String, bookingId: Int) = (bookingDate!, bookingStart!, bookingEnd!, customerName!, bookingId: bookingId)
                    print("booking is: \(booking)")
            if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
                let actions: [UNNotificationAction] = [UNNotificationAction(identifier: "chiudi", title: "Chiudi", options: [.foreground])]
                Notifications.newTimeIntervalNotification(notificationType: "New booking", actions: actions, categoyIdentifier: "New Booking", title: "Nuova prenotazione", body: "Hai una nuova prenotazione", userInfo: [:], timeInterval: 5, repeats: false)
            } else if #available(iOS 9.0, *){
                // Fallback on earlier versions

                Notifications.newTimeIntervalNotification(notificationType: "New booking", actions: [], categoyIdentifier: "New Booking", title: "Nuova prenotazione", body: "Hai una nuova prenotazione", userInfo: [:], timeInterval: 5, repeats: false)
        //        })

And this is the snapshot print showing both Booking Date and Booking Id looking like Int : 这是快照打印,显示Booking DateBooking IdInt一样:

Snap (Workshop Bookings) {
    "-Lb4XzGtLtnBAgoPB6Ay" =     {
        "Booking Date" = 20190329;
        "Booking End" = "14:00";
        "Booking Id" = 201903291300;
        "Booking Start" = "13:00";
        "Shop Logo Url" = "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/fix-it-b4b00.appspot.com/o/Spezial%20Cycle%2FSpezial%20Cycle%20logo.png?alt=media&token=016cc976-ae8d-4c71-a77f-a899d661be20";
        "Shop Name" = "Spezial Cycle";
        "User Name" = "";
        "Works List" = "Revisione Generale, ";

I think the problem is that your iPad 3 is still running on a 32 bit data bus, and the value 201903291300 is slightly too large to fit into that Int32 (which is the Int implementation on 32 bit architecture). 我认为问题在于您的iPad 3仍在32位数据总线上运行,并且值201903291300太大而无法放入该Int32 (这是32位体系结构上的Int实现)。

You should try to use Int64 instead of Int 您应该尝试使用Int64而不是Int

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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