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[英]Sending set and call requests with Falcor

I've been trying to send set and call-requests with Falcor model from react-client on port 3000 to node.js server which is serving the router on port 3001. The get-request is working without a problem but with set and call requests I'm just getting Internal Server Error. 我一直在尝试使用Falcor模型从端口3000上的react-client发送set和call-request到node.js服务器,该服务器在端口3001上为路由器提供服务。get-request工作没有问题但是设置和调用请求我刚收到内部服务器错误。

I tried adding the body-parser to the server and crossDomain:true to the client request as for some it fixed the problem but it seems that those weren't the cause. 我尝试将body-parser添加到服务器和crossDomain:true对于客户端请求是crossDomain:true ,因为它修复了一些问题,但似乎那些不是原因。

Then I tried separating the set-request to it's own route but the result was still the same. 然后我尝试将set-request分离到它自己的路由,但结果仍然相同。

To be honest I'm not even sure at this point is the problem with falcor, client or backend. 说实话,我现在甚至不确定falcor,客户端或后端的问题。 It's even more confusing that the get-request works just fine. 令人困惑的是,get-request工作得很好。

I noticed something about set and call requests. 我注意到有关设置和呼叫请求的信息。 When sending that type of requests to the server the request's query-object is empty. 将此类请求发送到服务器时,请求的查询对象为空。 When sending a working get-request to the same route the object is like this 将工作get请求发送到同一路由时,对象就是这样

{ paths: '[["user","marisanity",["_id","games_length"]]]',
  method: 'get' }

I don't know if that helps. 我不知道这是否有帮助。

This is the server side: 这是服务器端:

server.js server.js

const express = require('express');
const config = require('config');
const app = express();

const FalcorServer = require('falcor-express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

const userRouter = require('./src/routes/users');

if (!config.get('jwtPrivateKey')) {
    console.error('jwtPrivateKey is not defined, shutting down');

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false}));

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", `http://localhost:3000`);
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Authorization, X-Auth-Token, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");

app.use('/api/users/model.json', FalcorServer.dataSourceRoute((req) => userRouter(req)));

const port = process.env.PORT || 3001;
app.listen(port, () => {console.log(`Listening on port ${port}`)});

users.js users.js

const userRepository = require('./../db/repositories/userRepository');
const Router = require('falcor-router');

let UserRouterBase = Router.createClass([

        route: "user[{keys:username}][{keys:fields}]",
        get: async function (pathSet) {
            const results = [];

            return await userRepository.findByUsername(pathSet.username).then(user => {
                if (user === null || user.games.length === 0) {
                    return ({
                        path: ['users'],
                        value: "No results"
                } else {
                    pathSet.fields.forEach(field => {
                        if (field === 'games_length') {
                                path: ['user', pathSet.username[0], "games_length"],
                                value: user.games.length
                        } else {
                                path: ['user', pathSet.username[0], field],
                                value: String(user[field])
                    return results;
        async set(jsonGraphArg) {


            return {
                path: ['user', 'marisanity', 'games_length'],
                value: 'test'

let UserRouter = function (res) {
    //used later to pass token for this component
    this.res = res;

UserRouter.prototype = Object.create(UserRouterBase.prototype);

module.exports = function (res) {
    return new UserRouter(res);

This is the client side: 这是客户端:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import Falcor from 'falcor';
import HttpDataSource from 'falcor-http-datasource';

export default class Test extends Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.userModel = this.constructUserModel();

    componentDidMount() {
        //works just fine

        //this produces error


    constructUserModel = () => {
        return new Falcor.Model({
            source: new HttpDataSource('http://localhost:3001/api/users/model.json', {
                crossDomain: true,
                headers: {
                    'x-auth-token': "secret"

    editUSerInfo = () => {
        this.userModel.setValue(["user", "marisanity","games_length"], 3).then(function(done){

    fetchUserInfo = () => {
        this.userModel.get(["user", ['marisanity'], ['_id', 'games_length']])
            .then(function (response) {

And finally this is the error that is shown in the browser: 最后这是浏览器中显示的错误:

OPTIONS http://localhost:3001/api/users/model.json 500 (Internal Server Error)
requestObserver @   request.js:135
o.subscribe @   request.js:30
sendSetRequest  @   sendSetRequest.js:41
set @   RequestQueueV2.js:40
setRequestCycle @   setRequestCycle.js:63
_subscribe  @   SetResponse.js:89
subscribe   @   ModelResponse.js:90
(anonymous) @   setValue.js:25
subscribe   @   ModelResponse.js:90
(anonymous) @   ModelResponse.js:137
then    @   ModelResponse.js:134
Test._this.editUSerInfo @   Wow.js:55
componentDidMount   @   Wow.js:18
commitLifeCycles    @   react-dom.development.js:18071
commitAllLifeCycles @   react-dom.development.js:19630
callCallback    @   react-dom.development.js:147
invokeGuardedCallbackDev    @   react-dom.development.js:196
invokeGuardedCallback   @   react-dom.development.js:250
commitRoot  @   react-dom.development.js:19854
(anonymous) @   react-dom.development.js:21402
unstable_runWithPriority    @   scheduler.development.js:255
completeRoot    @   react-dom.development.js:21401
performWorkOnRoot   @   react-dom.development.js:21324
performWork @   react-dom.development.js:21229
performSyncWork @   react-dom.development.js:21203
requestWork @   react-dom.development.js:21058
scheduleWork    @   react-dom.development.js:20871
scheduleRootUpdate  @   react-dom.development.js:21566
updateContainerAtExpirationTime @   react-dom.development.js:21592
updateContainer @   react-dom.development.js:21660
push../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js.ReactRoot.render @   react-dom.development.js:21973
(anonymous) @   react-dom.development.js:22125
unbatchedUpdates    @   react-dom.development.js:21448
legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer    @   react-dom.development.js:22121
render  @   react-dom.development.js:22196
./src/index.js  @   index.js:7
__webpack_require__ @   bootstrap:781
fn  @   bootstrap:149
0   @   Yay.js:4
__webpack_require__ @   bootstrap:781
checkDeferredModules    @   bootstrap:45
webpackJsonpCallback    @   bootstrap:32

This issue was caused by invalid CORS-configurations. 此问题是由无效的CORS配置引起的。 It was solved by replacing the old configurations with Express' official CORS middleware: 通过使用Express官方CORS中间件替换旧配置解决了这个问题:

const cors = require('cors');

const corsOptions = {
    origin: 'http://localhost:3000',
    credentials: true,
    optionsSuccessStatus: 200


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