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获取 Laravel 分页的总页数并写入文件页码

[英]Get total pages of pagination Laravel and write to file page number

I have a code:我有一个代码:

 $posts = Post::paginate(100);

How I can foreach pages of pagination and show results?如何 foreach 分页页面并显示结果? I need in every file write a posts.我需要在每个文件中写一篇文章。

 foreach($posts as $page => $post) {
      //put on file current links posts of current page with file name: file-posts-$page.txt

How I can do it?我该怎么做?

I tried:我试过:

for ($currentPage = $posts->perPage(); $currentPage <= $posts->total(); $currentPage++) {
   Paginator::currentPageResolver(function () use ($currentPage) {
            return $currentPage;

   //put on file links of current posts of current page with file name: file-posts-$page.txt

But I don't get needed me result.但我没有得到需要我的结果。 I get 1 file for every 1 post..每 1 个帖子我得到 1 个文件..

If I get you correctly, you want to retrieve the results of all the possible pages.如果我理解正确,您希望检索所有可能页面的结果。 If that's it, you can use a model chunk instead.如果是这样,您可以改用模型块。 This is how it will work in your case:这就是它在您的情况下的工作方式:

Post::chunk(100, function(Collection $posts, $page) { 
  // Do what you want to do with the first 100 using $posts like this
  foreach($posts as $key => $post) {
   // Do stuff with $post
  // You have access to $page here
  //put on file links of current posts of current page with file name: file-posts-$page.txt

Since your per page is 100, I passed 100 to the chunk method which will retrieve the first 100 and then the next 100, on and on like that.由于您的每页是 100,我将 100 传递给 chunk 方法,该方法将检索前 100 个,然后检索下一个 100,以此类推。 The second argument passed to it is a callback that each chunk of 100 results and the current page will be passed to.传递给它的第二个参数是一个回调,每块 100 个结果和当前页面将被传递到。

You should check out more on the chunk method here你应该在这里查看更多关于块方法的信息

I hope this helps.我希望这有帮助。

You can try this.你可以试试这个。

$posts = Post::paginate(100);

foreach($posts as $page => $post) {


as documented here you can use如此处所述,您可以使用


this is the first item index:这是第一个项目索引:

$paginator->firstItem(); // Get the result number of the first item in the results.

this is for last item in current page:这是当前页面中的最后一项:

$paginator->lastItem()  //Get the result number of the last item in the results.

for example:例如:

this is controller:这是控制器:

public function index(Request $request)
    $perPage = (int)$request->query('per_page') ?: API_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE;
    $posts = Post::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate($perPage);
    return view('admin.posts.index', ['posts' => $posts]);

this is blade:这是刀片:


@section('title', title('posts'))

<h1 class="fw-200 admin-heading__title">posts</h1>
{{$posts->count()}} of {{ $posts->total() }}
<a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ route('admin.posts.create') }}">create</a>

            @forelse($posts as $post)
                <td colspan="6" class="text-muted">No items.</td>
{{ $posts->appends(request()->query())->links() }}

or use或使用

{{ $posts->links() }}

for index of first item you can use ->first对于第一个项目的索引,您可以使用 ->first

{{$posts->count()}} of {{ $posts->total() }}

i use this beside pagination or title我在分页或标题旁边使用它

Posts: ( from {{$posts->firstItem()}} to {{ $posts->lastItem()}}  in {{ $posts->total() }} item(s))

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