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Azure DevOps - 使用 GUI 而不是 YAML 来编辑构建管道

[英]Azure DevOps - use GUI instead of YAML to edit build pipeline

Some time ago Azure DevOps have added a support for YAML build pipelines.前一段时间,Azure DevOps 添加了对 YAML 构建管道的支持。 This is all nice for power users (I get it, pros only use command line & plain text tools, GUI is for weak) for quite a few reasons.这对高级用户来说很好(我明白了,专业人士只使用命令行和纯文本工具,GUI 很弱)有很多原因。

Is there a way to go back to a GUI (classic editor) to edit an existing pipeline?有没有办法回到 GUI(经典编辑器)来编辑现有的管道? I have disabled the feature我已禁用该功能


as described here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/get-started-designer?view=azure-devops&tabs=new-nav , however it only helps for new pipelines.如此处所述https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/get-started-designer?view=azure-devops&tabs=new-nav ,但它仅对新管道有帮助。

Somehow I haven't yet memorized the syntax and entire set of configuration options for pipeline definitions, so...不知何故,我还没有记住管道定义的语法和整套配置选项,所以......

I'd like to edit my existing pipeline using the GUI , as I don't have time to read the docs and look for what exactly string do I need to add into which place of YAML in order to set some simple options, however, I am always taken to the YAML view when I try to edit a pipeline (which was created visually some time ago).我想使用 GUI 编辑我现有的管道,因为我没有时间阅读文档并查找我需要将什么字符串添加到 YAML 的哪个位置以设置一些简单的选项,但是,当我尝试编辑管道(前段时间创建的可视化管道)时,我总是被带到 YAML 视图。

Is there a way to open the GUI editor?有没有办法打开GUI编辑器?

There is a link in the Create New Pipeline blade.创建新管道边栏选项卡中有一个链接。 Click on the "Use the classic editor" link and voila you will get the GUI to work on!单击“使用经典编辑器”链接,瞧,您将获得可以使用的 GUI!


for a pipeline thats using yaml - no.对于使用 yaml 的管道 - 不。 you can only configure it in yaml and you can not switch back to UI experience.只能在 yaml 中配置,不能切换回 UI 体验。

If the pipeline is UI - it will continue to work as it was working.如果管道是 UI - 它会继续正常工作。

You won't be able to use the GUI as it did in the classic editor, but you can click the hyperlinks above your yaml tasks to pop the properties window on the side pane.您将无法像在经典编辑器中那样使用 GUI,但您可以单击 yaml 任务上方的超链接以弹出侧窗格中的属性窗口。 It's basically a 'designer' for your yaml blocks, so you don't need to 'memorize' anything per se.它基本上是您的 yaml 块的“设计师”,因此您本身不需要“记住”任何东西。


As far as pipelines go, MS made the determination to keep the Yaml vs classic (UI) methods of editing entirely separate workflows.就管道而言,MS 决定保持 Yaml 与经典 (UI) 编辑方法完全独立的工作流程。 Personally, I like having both as an option and see the YAML modifications as a quick and easy way to use pipeline as code and for some make spot modifications, but i think removing the UI will limit their product adoption as sometimes its easiest to master a pipeline first in the ui.就我个人而言,我喜欢将两者都作为一种选择,并将 YAML 修改视为将管道用作代码并进行一些现场修改的一种快速简便的方法,但我认为删除 UI 会限制他们的产品采用,因为有时最容易掌握ui 中的第一个管道。 Anyway, most pipelines are not SO many steps recreation is prohibitive I would recommend just recreate the pipeline in another tab in your browser.无论如何,大多数管道并没有那么多步骤娱乐是禁止的,我建议您只需在浏览器的另一个选项卡中重新创建管道。 Just look for the reference at creation time for Classic Editor.只需在创建经典编辑器时查找参考即可。 It asks one time then after that you're in the lane.它会问一次然后你在车道上。

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