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[英]Conditional formatting based on another sheet in Google sheets

I googled for it and looked into many answers here, but it seems still not working for me. 我用它搜索了一下,并在这里调查了许多答案,但似乎对我来说仍然行不通。

I try to use this conditional formatting: 我尝试使用这种条件格式:


Here are the screenshots of my sheets. 这是我的工作表的屏幕截图。

Why it isn't doing anything? 为什么它什么也没做?



My aim is to mark those in the first sheet which are present in the second too. 我的目的是在第一张纸上也要在第二张纸上做标记。

=FILTER(A1; COUNTIF(INDIRECT("U_automatikus!A$1:A"); A1))


demo spreadsheet 演示电子表格

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