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如何从html javascript / angularjs中删除特定元素

[英]how to remove specific element from html javascript/angularjs

I have some html snipped which includes a "twitter-widget" element that I want to remove. 我有一些html片段,其中包含要删除的“ twitter-widget”元素。 This is the code: 这是代码:

<div id="newsroom-bodyText" dir="ltr" class="ng-scope"><!-- ngIf: LUC.singleImage!='multi_image' --><!-- ngRepeat: item in LUC.allObjects_final track by $index --><div ng-repeat="item in LUC.allObjects_final track by $index" class="live_block ng-scope" style=""><div id="live_block_time"><!-- ngIf: aItem.desk_obj --><!-- ngIf: !aItem.desk_obj --><p ng-if="!aItem.desk_obj" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2019-04-02 15:18:32</p><!-- end ngIf: !aItem.desk_obj --></div><!-- ngIf: item.title!='' --><div id="c_title" ng-if="item.title!=''" class="ng-scope"><p id="" class="live_block_title"> <span class="" dynamic="item.title">Business Story</span></p></div><!-- end ngIf: item.title!='' --><!-- ngIf: LUC.singleImage=='multi_image' --><div ng-if="LUC.singleImage=='multi_image'" dynamic="item.lu_media_placeholder" class="composePlaceHolder ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" view-item=""><div class="dropcontiner ng-scope" ng-drop="true" ng-drop-success="onDropCompletes($data,$event)"><i id="closeBtn" ng-click="onClickCloseImage($data,$event)" class="nr-placeholder-close close fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i><ul id="dropUl" class="dropUl noRightClick twitterFeedSection"> <li id="dropUlLI" class="noRightClick"> <span id="twitter-wjs"><span id="dropUlLIa" ng-bind-html="<blockquote class=&quot;twitter-tweet&quot; data-lang=&quot;en&quot;><p lang=&quot;en&quot; dir=&quot;ltr&quot;>Book now get 25% OFF. <br>Perfect Hyderabad Tour Packages || best offers and transparency || Maximum includes less excludes || 15 Yrs experience.|| Book now with Good Offers.|| Perfect &amp; Pre Customized.|| Discount with Quality. || Call &amp; Chat Support || <a href=&quot;&quot;></a> <a href=&quot;&quot;>pic.twitter.com/zVqSqYGHD1</a></p>— Hyderabad Package - Hyderabad Tour packages (@hydpack) <a href=&quot;https://twitter.com/hydpack/status/1111675837005344768?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&quot;>March 29, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src=&quot;https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js&quot; charset=&quot;utf-8&quot;></script>" class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="<blockquote class=&quot;twitter-tweet&quot; data-lang=&quot;en&quot;><p lang=&quot;en&quot; dir=&quot;ltr&quot;>Book now get 25% OFF. <br>Perfect Hyderabad Tour Packages || best offers and transparency || Maximum includes less excludes || 15 Yrs experience.|| Book now with Good Offers.|| Perfect &amp; Pre Customized.|| Discount with Quality. || Call &amp; Chat Support || <a href=&quot;&quot;></a> <a href=&quot;&quot;>pic.twitter.com/zVqSqYGHD1</a></p>— Hyderabad Package - Hyderabad Tour packages (@hydpack) <a href=&quot;https://twitter.com/hydpack/status/1111675837005344768?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&quot;>March 29, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src=&quot;https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js&quot; charset=&quot;utf-8&quot;></script><script src=&quot;https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js&quot;></script><script src=&quot;https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js&quot;></script>"><twitter-widget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-1" style="position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" data-tweet-id="1111675837005344768"></twitter-widget>  </span></span></li></ul></div></div><!-- end ngIf: LUC.singleImage=='multi_image' --><div id="newsroom-bodyText" dynamic="item.body" class="content" dir="ltr"><p>twitter 5</p>
</div></div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in LUC.allObjects_final track by $index --></div>

And that's how I tried it: 这就是我尝试的方式:


but I get the error, that: 但我得到的错误是:

finalhtml.find is not a function

You could use Jquery to do that... 您可以使用Jquery来做到这一点...

window.onload = function() {

or plain javascript 或纯JavaScript

window.onload = function() {
    var elem = document.querySelector('span.twitter-tweet');

if those does not work, then you probably have a script running that it is setting this span and keeping it. 如果这些方法不起作用,那么您可能正在运行一个脚本,它正在设置该范围并保持该范围。

First, before your problem... the ng-if in your repeat is likely causing a document digest loop. 首先,在出现问题之前...重复中的ng-if可能会导致文档摘要循环。 As each time it loops, and the if removes an item from the dom, it is going to loop again. 每次循环时,如果if从dom中删除一个项目,它将再次循环。 If you absolutely have to remove something in a loop you should use ng-show/hide. 如果您绝对必须循环删除某些内容,则应使用ng-show / hide。 It remains in the dom, but it wont have the same repercussions. 它仍然保留在dom中,但不会产生相同的影响。 The down side to your example is the images will likely get pushed across. 您的示例的缺点是图像很可能会被推开。

If you really want to remove the span.twitter-tweet and you don't have control of the source you can remove it in css. 如果您确实要删除span.twitter-tweet,但是您无法控制源,则可以在CSS中删除它。 I believe twitter usually suggests CSS to remove things from the feeds. 我相信twitter通常建议CSS从提要中删除内容。

span.twitter-tweet { display:none !important; }

It sounds silly but that's likely the best case scenario here. 听起来很傻,但这可能是最好的情况。 It looks like you have a jquery object embedded inside your angular, which is not immediately accessible when the page / dom is complete. 看来您的角度中嵌入了一个jquery对象,当页面/ dom完成时,无法立即访问该对象。

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