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Spring Boot休息控制器测试

[英]Spring Boot rest controller test

I'm writing the tests for my controller and I've already been able to find the search endpoint. 我正在为控制器编写测试,并且已经可以找到搜索端点。 I tried the insert now, but without success. 我现在尝试插入,但是没有成功。

My Serivce : 我的服务:

public LegalPerson insert(LegalPerson legalPerson) {
        try {
            legalPerson = repository.save(legalPerson);
        } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException error) {
            throw new DataIntegrity("Error something***", error);
        return legalPerson;

 public LegalPerson modelToEntity(LegalPersonModel personModel) {
        return LegalPerson.builder()

My rest controller 我的休息控制器

@RequestMapping(value = "/api/clients/lp")
public class LegalPersonResource {

/**other methods ***/
    public ResponseEntity<Void> insert(@Valid @RequestBody LegalPersonModel legalPersonModel) {
        var legalPerson = service.modelToEntity(legalPersonModel);
        legalPerson = service.insert(legalPerson);
        return ResponseEntity.created(ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest().path("/{id}")

And my test 而我的测试

void insert() throws Exception {
 var mockLPM = new LegalPersonModel(true, 1L, "mockTrade", "mockCompanyName", "mockTest@com", "63.236.885/0001-42", "123455", "1234566", localDate, 1L, CompanyEnum.HEADOFFICE,subsidiaries, phones);
   var objason = new ObjectMapper();
   var test = mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.post("/api/clients/lp").contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE).content(String.valueOf(objason))).andReturn();

 int status = test.getResponse().getStatus();
 Assertions.assertEquals(201, status);

always returning status 400. What am I doing wrong? 总是返回状态400。我在做什么错?

==== UPDATE:==== ====更新:====

It worked in parts. 它部分起作用。

It worked only with the ObjectMapper, and I have to change LocalDate to null, as it tarnsforms the localDate in a huge string: 它仅与ObjectMapper一起使用,并且我不得不将LocalDate更改为null,因为它以巨大的字符串形式压缩了localDate:

"openingDate": {"year": 1955, "month": "OCTOBER", "monthValue": 10, "dayOfMonth": 25, "chronology": {"calendarType": "iso8601", "id" "}," era ":" CE "," dayOfYear ": 298," dayOfWeek ":" TUESDAY "," leapYear ": false}

And actually my json should look like this: "openingDate": "2019-04-02" for example. 实际上,我的json应该如下所示: "openingDate": "2019-04-02"

So when I change localDate by null, it passes that part, but a NullPointerException in that part of my service here: 因此,当我将nullDate更改为null时,它将传递该部分,但在此服务的该部分中将传递NullPointerException:

var legalPerson = service.modelToEntity (legalPersonModel);

it recognizes the legalPersonModel, which is what we just passed with the ObjectMapper, however the legalPerson always stays as null, it is not converted. 它可以识别legalPersonModel,这是我们刚刚与ObjectMapper一起传递的,但是legalPerson始终保持为空,不会进行转换。

I tried some things without success. 我尝试了一些没有成功的事情。 What should I do? 我该怎么办?

=== UPDATE 2 === ===更新2 ===

If in the rest controller, has: 如果在rest控制器中,则具有:

 return ResponseEntity.created (ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest (). path ("/ {id}")
                .buildAndExpand (legalPerson.getId ()). toUri ()). build ();

will return null. 将返回null。

But if I switch to 但是如果我切换到

return ResponseEntity.status (201) .build ();

I have a green test. 我有一个绿色测试。

Is there any way to solve this? 有什么办法解决这个问题?

You will get a 400 Bad Request status whenever the payload you're post ing is not a valid type - in your example you should post a payload that can be deserialized into a LegalPersonModel object. 每当您post的有效负载不是有效类型时,您将获得400 Bad Request状态-在您的示例中,您应该post可以反序列化为LegalPersonModel对象的有效负载。

You can either post the payload directly as a json string 您可以将有效载荷直接作为json字符串发布

void insertAsJsonString() throws Exception {
    var mockLPM = new LegalPersonModel(true,

    var om = new ObjectMapper();

    var test = mvc.perform(

    int status = test.getResponse().getStatus();
    Assertions.assertEquals(201, status);

To serialize LocalDate into yyyy-MM-dd format, try configuring the ObjectMapper like this 要将LocalDate序列化为yyyy-MM-dd格式,请尝试像这样配置ObjectMapper

ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
om.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
om.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);

You might need to import the jackson-datatype-jsr310 . 您可能需要导入jackson-datatype-jsr310 Using maven import it like so 使用maven像这样导入


If the var legalPerson = service.modelToEntity (legalPersonModel); 如果var legalPerson = service.modelToEntity (legalPersonModel); always results in legalPerson being null even if the LocalDate is serialized correctly you'll need to update the question with the LegalPerson class including the builder pattern. 即使LocalDate已正确序列化,也始终会导致legalPersonnull ,您将需要使用LegalPerson类(包括builder模式)更新问题。

I am unable to reproduce the "Update 2" problem. 我无法重现“更新2”问题。

Given this end point 给定这个终点

public ResponseEntity<Void> insert(@Valid @RequestBody LegalPersonModel legalPersonModel) {
    var legalPerson = service.modelToEntity(legalPersonModel);
    legalPerson = service.insert(legalPerson);
    return ResponseEntity.created(ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest().path("/{id}")

Will return the following (using the command line tool curl ) 将返回以下内容(使用命令行工具curl

$ curl -X POST -d @legalPersonModelMock 'http://localhost:8080/api/clients/lp'
< HTTP/1.1 201 
< Location: http://localhost:8080/api/clients/lp/1
< Content-Length: 0

Content of the legalPersonModelMock file is an json representation of var mockLPM = new LegalPersonModel(...) . legalPersonModelMock文件的内容是var mockLPM = new LegalPersonModel(...)json表示形式。

Your code for service.insert(...) sets legalPerson.setId(null); 您的service.insert(...)代码设置为legalPerson.setId(null); , are you sure that's not messing with the response? ,您确定不会弄乱响应吗?

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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