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对于bot框架V4 Web聊天中的每个用户,AD身份验证令牌都不相同

[英]AD authentication token is not getting same for every user in bot framework V4 web chat

I am using Bot Framework V4, AD Authentication for our bot is working fine.But when ever i am trying to user new session it is taking the same Token by which it is logged previously. 我正在使用Bot Framework V4,我的机器人的AD身份验证工作正常。但是当我尝试使用新会话时,它采用的是先前记录的相同令牌。 So I am getting the same data in all the sessions. 所以我在所有会话中获得相同的数据。 I am using AuthenticationDialog provided by Enterprise Bot Template 我正在使用Enterprise Bot Template提供的AuthenticationDialog

Actual: I am getting logged in once and it is staying logged in all sessions(even in other machines) Expected: I expect every session should take me to the sign in card(OAurth card) 实际:我正在登录一次,并且它会在所有会话中保持登录状态(即使在其他计算机中)预期:我希望每次会话都能带我到登录卡(OAurth卡)

public class AuthenticationDialog : ComponentDialog
    private static AuthenticationResponses _responder = new AuthenticationResponses();

    public AuthenticationDialog(string connectionName)
        : base(nameof(AuthenticationDialog))
        InitialDialogId = nameof(AuthenticationDialog);
        ConnectionName = connectionName;

        var authenticate = new WaterfallStep[]

        AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(InitialDialogId, authenticate));
        AddDialog(new OAuthPrompt(DialogIds.LoginPrompt, new OAuthPromptSettings()
            ConnectionName = ConnectionName,
            Title = AuthenticationStrings.TITLE,
            Text = AuthenticationStrings.PROMPT,

    private string ConnectionName { get; set; }

    private async Task<DialogTurnResult> PromptToLogin(WaterfallStepContext sc, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return await sc.PromptAsync(AuthenticationResponses.ResponseIds.LoginPrompt, new PromptOptions());

    private async Task<DialogTurnResult> FinishLoginDialog(WaterfallStepContext sc, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var activity = sc.Context.Activity;
        if (sc.Result != null)
            var tokenResponse = sc.Result as TokenResponse;

            if (tokenResponse?.Token != null)
                var user = await GetProfile(sc.Context, tokenResponse);
                await _responder.ReplyWith(sc.Context, AuthenticationResponses.ResponseIds.SucceededMessage, new { name = user.DisplayName });
                return await sc.EndDialogAsync(tokenResponse);
            await _responder.ReplyWith(sc.Context, AuthenticationResponses.ResponseIds.FailedMessage);

        return await sc.EndDialogAsync();

    private async Task<User> GetProfile(ITurnContext context, TokenResponse tokenResponse)
        var token = tokenResponse;
        var client = new GraphClient(token.Token);

        return await client.GetMe();

    private class DialogIds
        public const string LoginPrompt = "loginPrompt";

This is a known issue in WebChat. 这是WebChat中的一个已知问题 When you use the same user id for every conversation, the conversation will reference the same data stores. 当您为每个对话使用相同的用户ID时,对话将引用相同的数据存储。 To resolve this issue, I would recommend generating random user ids for each conversation. 要解决此问题,我建议为每个对话生成随机用户ID。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。


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