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[英]Getting JSON data from respons javascript

I'm working with the google-sheets-api to get data from a google spreadsheet. 我正在使用google-sheets-api从Google电子表格中获取数据。 And I want to use the api data I get in my console and use it in my website/webdashboard. 我想使用从控制台获取的api数据,并在我的网站/网络仪表板中使用它。 And I'm wondering how I can fetch this data from the console (or any other place where this data also resides) 而且我想知道如何从控制台(或该数据所在的任何其他地方)获取此数据。

I get this result in my console: 我在控制台中得到以下结果:

spreadsheetId: "1dbRAXK6EVbSIFWB5mKleh2ziutwavrRLvs07uoBPJbk"
valueRanges: Array(1)
majorDimension: "ROWS"
range: "'ma1'!A1:J38"
values: (38) [Array(10), Array(10), Array(10), Array(9), Array(9), Array(7), Array(7), Array(9), Array(7), Array(10), Array(10), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(8), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9)]
__proto__: Object
length: 1
__proto__: Array(0)
__proto__: Object
(38) [Array(10), Array(10), Array(10), Array(9), Array(9), Array(7), Array(7), Array(9), Array(7), Array(10), Array(10), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(8), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9), Array(9)]
0: (10) ["maandag 1 april 2019", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "week IV"]
1: (10) ["kafee", "naam", "functie", "van", "tot", "van", "tot", "Subtotaal", "totaal", "Info"]
2: (10) ["", "Ine", "", "9:30", "", "", "18:00", "8,5", "8", "Reservaties/opmerkingen"]
3: (9) ["", "Michiel", "", "9:30", "", "", "17:30", "8", "7,5"]
4: (9) ["", "Nayimi", "BT", "12:00", "", "", "21:00", "9", "8,5"]
5: (7) ["", "Gijs", "", "12:00", "", "", "18:00"]
6: (7) ["", "Flavio", "", "12:00", "", "", "21:00"]
7: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
8: (7) ["", "Tim", "V", "9:30", "", "", "18:00"]
9: (10) ["", "Griet", "V", "9:30", "", "", "18:00", "8,5", "8", "Activiteiten/voorstellingen"]
10: (10) ["", "Silvia", "V", "9:30", "", "", "18:00", "8,5", "8", "Gent Quizt"]
11: (9) ["", "Roeland", "", "17:30", "", "", "2:00", "8,5", "8"]
12: (9) ["", "Hannah", "", "17:30", "", "", "2:00", "8,5", "8"]
13: (9) ["", "Ali", "", "17:30", "", "", "2:00", "8,5", "8"]
14: (9) ["", "Emma", "", "18:00", "", "", "2:00", "8", "7,5"]
15: (8) ["", "", "", "", "", "", " ", "#VALUE!"]
16: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
17: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
18: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
19: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
20: (9) ["balzaal", "", "perm.", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
21: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
22: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
23: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
24: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
25: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
26: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
27: (9) ["concertzaal", "", "perm.", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
28: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
29: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
30: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
31: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
32: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
33: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
34: (9) ["majolica", "", "perm.", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
35: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
36: (9) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0"]
37: (9) ["", "",

I've searched for JSON GET in files and for online api's. 我已经在文件和在线api中搜索了JSON GET。 Looked at the google-sheets-api documentation for a solution. 查看了google-sheets-api文档以获取解决方案。

Looked at other stack-overflow question where they put the data in a file locally, but this seems like a workaround. 看了其他将数据放在本地文件中的堆栈溢出问题,但这似乎是一种解决方法。 I should be able to get the data directly from api-pull. 我应该能够直接从api-pull获取数据。

    1. If not already done, enable the Google Sheets API
       and check the quota for your project at
    2. Get access keys for your application. See
    3. For additional information on authentication, see
    function makeApiCall() {
      var params = {
        // The ID of the spreadsheet to retrieve data from.
        spreadsheetId: 'my-spreadsheet-id',  // TODO: Update placeholder value.

        // The A1 notation of the values to retrieve.
        range: 'my-range',  // TODO: Update placeholder value.

        // How values should be represented in the output.
        // The default render option is ValueRenderOption.FORMATTED_VALUE.
        valueRenderOption: '',  // TODO: Update placeholder value.

        // How dates, times, and durations should be represented in the output.
        // This is ignored if value_render_option is
        // The default dateTime render option is [DateTimeRenderOption.SERIAL_NUMBER].
        dateTimeRenderOption: '',  // TODO: Update placeholder value.

      var request = gapi.client.sheets.spreadsheets.values.get(params);
      request.then(function(response) {
        // TODO: Change code below to process the `response` object:
      }, function(reason) {
        console.error('error: ' + reason.result.error.message);

    function initClient() {
      var API_KEY = '';  // TODO: Update placeholder with desired API key.

      var CLIENT_ID = '';  // TODO: Update placeholder with desired client ID.

      // TODO: Authorize using one of the following scopes:
      //   'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive'
      //   'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file'
      //   'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly'
      //   'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets'
      //   'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets.readonly'
      var SCOPE = '';

        'apiKey': API_KEY,
        'clientId': CLIENT_ID,
        'scope': SCOPE,
        'discoveryDocs': ['https://sheets.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest?version=v4'],
      }).then(function() {

    function handleClientLoad() {
      gapi.load('client:auth2', initClient);

    function updateSignInStatus(isSignedIn) {
      if (isSignedIn) {

    function handleSignInClick(event) {

    function handleSignOutClick(event) {
    <script async defer src="https://apis.google.com/js/api.js"
      onreadystatechange="if (this.readyState === 'complete') this.onload()">
    <button id="signin-button" onclick="handleSignInClick()">Sign in</button>
    <button id="signout-button" onclick="handleSignOutClick()">Sign out</button>

I should be able to do something with this line of code no? 我应该可以使用此行代码来执行某些操作吗?

ex: response.result.array.0.1 = given cell in the sheet. 例如:response.result.array.0.1 =工作表中给定的单元格。

      var request = gapi.client.sheets.spreadsheets.values.get(params);
      request.then(function(response) {
        // TODO: Change code below to process the `response` object:
      }, function(reason) {
        console.error('error: ' + reason.result.error.message);

As I don't find any info on how this works or on how to search for this i'm unable to give an example of how I should achieve this. 由于我找不到有关此工作原理或如何搜索此问题的任何信息,因此我无法举一个我应如何实现此目标的示例。

The data of the result is in response.result.values which is an array of arrays. 结果数据在response.result.values ,它是一个数组数组。 To get the value of cell B1 use response.result.values[1][0] (A=0, B=1, C=2, ...; subtract 1 from the numeric cell index because the first element in an array was index 0) 若要获取单元格B1的值,请使用response.result.values[1][0] (A = 0,B = 1,C = 2,...;从数字单元格索引中减去1,因为数组中的第一个元素是索引0)

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