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[英]How to show all items on click of autocompleteextender target search textbox?

I am trying to display all the list items on an autocompleteextender in asp.net. 我试图在asp.net中的autocompleteextender上显示所有列表项。 I have set the MinimumPrefixLength = 0 as suggested in this question . 我已按照此问题中的建议设置MinimumPrefixLength = 0。 My problem is that the list doesn't show on first click. 我的问题是第一次点击时没有显示该列表。 Only if I type something and remove it and then click on it, it shows the list. 只有当我输入内容并将其删除然后单击它时,它才会显示列表。 How do achieve it in the first click? 如何在第一次点击中实现它?

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the desired result after trying a lot. 不幸的是,经过多次尝试后,我无法获得理想的结果。 Hence decided to go with jquery select2 plugin for normal dropdowncontrols. 因此决定使用jquery select2插件进行正常的dropdowncontrols。

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