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[英]How can I a number to CPF format in JavaScript?

I would like to format an integer to the CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas)(Brazilian ID Number) format. 我想将整数格式化为CPF(Cadastro dePessoasFísicas)(巴西ID号)格式。 I would like a function that takes an integer of 11 digits as an argument and returns a string formatted like this: 我想要一个函数,它取一个11位数的整数作为参数,并返回一个格式如下的字符串:


Example: 例:

formatToCPF(integer){     // integer=94256116885

    String formattedString


return formattedString    //returns "942.561.168-85"

You can first get the String value of integer and then format it with slice(). 您可以先获取整数的String值,然后使用slice()对其进行格式化。

s = integer.toString()
formattedString = s.slice(0,3)+"."+

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