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[英]Create a matrix using the common information in two lists

I have two large lists in the same structure of the toy examples shown in this question. 我在这个问题所示的玩具示例的相同结构中有两个大列表。

dput(head(list1)): dput(head(list1)):

list(FEB_GAMES = c(GAME1 = c("Stan", "Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", 
"Butters"), GAME2 = c("Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", "Butters")), 
MAR_GAMES = c(GAME3 = c("Stan", "Kenny", "Cartman", "Butters"
), GAME4 = c("Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", "Butters")))

dput(head(list2)): dput(head(list2)):

list(first = c("Stan", "Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", "Butters", 
"Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", "Butters"), second = c("Stan", "Kenny", 
"Cartman", "Wendy", "Ike"), third = c("Randy", "Randy", "Randy", 

I would like to turn these two lists into one large data.frame/ matrix. 我想将这两个列表变成一个大的data.frame /矩阵。 The rownames would be from list1 (GAME1, GAME2, GAME3, GAME4). 行名将来自列表1(GAME1,GAME2,GAME3,GAME4)。 The colnames would be the list names of list 2 (first, second, third). 别名将是列表2(第一,第二,第三)的列表名称。 The information in the matrix would be an integer which refers to the number of times a common character is found in both list. 矩阵中的信息将是一个整数,它表示在两个列表中找到一个公共字符的次数。 eg GAME1xfirst contains 9 common characters, while GAME1xthird contains 0. 例如,GAME1xfirst包含9个公共字符,而GAME1xthird包含0个公共字符。

The output would look like this: 输出如下所示:

        first  second  third
GAME1   9      3       0
GAME2   8      2       0
GAME3   8      3       0
GAME4   8      2       0

So the values in [1,1] would be the sum of the times a common character is found in both the GAME1 list from list 1 and the first list found in list2. 因此,[1,1]中的值将是在列表1的GAME1列表和列表2中的第一个列表中找到一个公共字符的时间总和。

Note. 注意。 Lists in both list 1 and list 2 have varying numbers of values. 列表1和列表2中的列表具有不同数量的值。

An option would be to first flatten out the 'list1', do a merge after converting to data.frame and then do the table 一种选择是首先展平“ list1”,转换为data.frame之后进行merge ,然后执行table

list1a <- do.call(c, list1)
names(list1a) <- sub(".*\\.", "", names(list1a))
out <- table(merge(stack(list1a), stack(list2), by = 'values')[-1])
names(dimnames(out)) <- NULL
#      first second third
#GAME1     9      3     0
#GAME2     8      2     0
#GAME3     7      3     0
#GAME4     8      2     0

We can also do this in tidyverse using the same logic 我们也可以使用相同的逻辑在tidyverse执行此tidyverse

list1 %>% 
    flatten %>% 
    enframe %>% 
    unnest %>% 
    full_join(list2 %>% 
                enframe %>%
                unnest, by = 'value') %>% 
    select(-value) %>% 
    count(name.x, name.y) %>% 
    spread(name.y, n, fill = 0) %>%
# A tibble: 4 x 4   
#  name.x first second third
#  <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#1 GAME1      9      3     0
#2 GAME2      8      2     0
#3 GAME3      7      3     0
#4 GAME4      8      2     0

data 数据

list1 <- list(FEB_games = list(GAME1 = c("Stan", "Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", 
"Butters"), GAME2 = c("Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", "Butters")), 
MAR_games = list(GAME3 = c("Stan", "Kenny", "Cartman", "Butters"
), GAME4 = c("Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", "Butters")))

list2 <- list(first = c("Stan", "Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", "Butters", 
 "Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", "Butters"), second = c("Stan", "Kenny", 
 "Cartman", "Wendy", "Ike"), third = c("Randy", "Randy", "Randy", 

How about ... 怎么样 ...

sapply(l2, function(x) {
  sapply(unlist(l1, recursive = FALSE), function(y) sum(x %in% y))
#                 first second third
# FEB_games.GAME1     9      3     0
# FEB_games.GAME2     8      2     0
# MAR_games.GAME3     7      3     0
# MAR_games.GAME4     8      2     0

Might not be not the most efficient approach, though. 但是,可能不是最有效的方法。

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