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[英]Templates for Developing Web Page

I am quite new to coding, and have limited experience with HTML and Python. 我对编码非常陌生,并且对HTML和Python的经验有限。 I would like to develop a web page for personal use, and I thought it might be easier to starter with a template and customize it from there. 我想开发一个供个人使用的网页,我认为从模板开始并从那里进行自定义可能会更容易。 Can anyone recommend a place to find some free templates, or know a good place to start looking? 谁能推荐一个地方找到一些免费的模板,或者知道一个开始寻找的好地方?

Start Bootstrap is a great starting place! Start Bootstrap是一个很好的起点! https://startbootstrap.com/ It has free, open source templates that you can use and let you become more comfortable with bootstrap. https://startbootstrap.com/它具有免费的开源模板,您可以使用它们,并使您对Bootstrap更加满意。

Although I do recommend going through W3 tutorials https://www.w3schools.com/html/ and really familiarizing yourself with HTML and CSS if web development is of interest to you. 尽管我确实建议您阅读W3教程https://www.w3schools.com/html/ ,如果您对Web开发感兴趣的话,请真正熟悉HTML和CSS。

I learned how with Flask using this tutorial . 我通过本教程学习了Flask的用法。 It's for creating a blog, but you can apply the concepts to other types of websites. 它是用于创建博客的,但是您可以将这些概念应用于其他类型的网站。

It is time consuming and will feel cumbersome at first, but it teaches you some extra things you need to know if you want the web page to be interactive, store data, etc. 这很耗时,一开始会很麻烦,但是它教会了您一些额外的知识,如果您希望网页是交互式的,存储数据的,等等。

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