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更轻松地在 PageView 中滚动多个页面

[英]Scroll multiple pages in PageView easier

I am building a horizontally scrollable list in flutter using PageView, however, I would like to be able to scroll multiple pages at the same time.我正在使用 PageView 在 flutter 中构建一个可水平滚动的列表,但是,我希望能够同时滚动多个页面。 It is currently possible if I scroll really fast, but it is far from ideal.如果我滚动得非常快,目前是可能的,但这远非理想。 Another option is to set pageSnapping to false, but then it does not snap at all, which is not what I want.另一种选择是将 pageSnapping 设置为 false,但它根本不捕捉,这不是我想要的。

I am thinking that it might be possible to change pageSnapping from false to true if the scroll velocity is under a certain treshhold, but i don't know how I would get said velocity.我认为如果滚动速度低于某个阈值,可能可以将 pageSnapping 从 false 更改为 true,但我不知道如何获得所述速度。

The app i am building looks something like this .我正在构建的应用程序看起来像这样

All help appreciated!所有帮助表示赞赏!

Interesting problem!有趣的问题!

To gain the velocity of a swipe you can use a GestureDetector, unfortunately when trying to use both a GestureDetector and PageView then the PageView steals the focus from the GestureDetector so they can not be used in unison.要获得滑动的速度,您可以使用 GestureDetector,不幸的是,当尝试同时使用 GestureDetector 和 PageView 时,PageView 会从 GestureDetector 窃取焦点,因此它们不能同时使用。

  onPanEnd: (details) {
    Velocity velocity = details.velocity;
    print("onPanEnd - velocity: $velocity");

Another way however was to use DateTime in the PageView's onPageChanged to measure the change in time, instead of velocity.然而,另一种方法是在 PageView 的 onPageChanged 中使用 DateTime 来测量时间的变化,而不是速度。 However this is not ideal, the code I wrote is like a hack.然而这并不理想,我写的代码就像一个黑客。 It has a bug (or feature) that the first swipe after a standstill on a page will only move one page, however consecutive swipes will be able to move multiple pages.它有一个错误(或功能),即在页面静止后第一次滑动只会移动一页,但是连续滑动将能够移动多页。

bool pageSnapping = true;
List<int> intervals = [330, 800, 1200, 1600]; // Could probably be optimised better
DateTime t0;

Widget timeBasedPageView(){
  return PageView(
    onPageChanged: (item) {

      // Obtain a measure of change in time.
      DateTime t1 = t0 ?? DateTime.now();
      t0 = DateTime.now();
      int millisSincePageChange = t0.difference(t1).inMilliseconds;
      print("Millis: $millisSincePageChange");

      // Loop through the intervals, they only affect how much time is 
      // allocated before pageSnapping is enabled again. 
      for (int i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++) {
        bool lwrBnd = millisSincePageChange > intervals[i - 1];
        bool uprBnd = millisSincePageChange < intervals[i];
        bool withinBounds = lwrBnd && uprBnd;

        if (withinBounds) {
          print("Index triggered: $i , lwr: $lwrBnd, upr: $uprBnd");

          // The two setState calls ensures that pageSnapping will 
          // always return to being true.
          setState(() {
            pageSnapping = false;

          // Allows some time for the fast pageChanges to proceed 
          // without being pageSnapped.
          Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: i * 100)).then((val){
            setState(() {
              pageSnapping = true;
    pageSnapping: pageSnapping,
    children: widgets,

I hope this helps in some way.我希望这在某种程度上有所帮助。

Edit: another answer based upon Hannes' answer.编辑:另一个基于 Hannes 回答的回答。

class PageCarousel extends StatefulWidget {
  _PageCarouselState createState() => _PageCarouselState();

class _PageCarouselState extends State<PageCarousel> {
  int _currentPage = 0;
  PageController _pageController;
  int timePrev; //Tid
  double posPrev; //Position
  List<Widget> widgets = List.generate(
          (item) =>
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(8),
            child: Card(
              child: Column(
                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                children: <Widget>[
                  Text("Index $item"),

  void initState() {
    _pageController = PageController(
      viewportFraction: 0.75,
      initialPage: 0,

  int boundedPage(int newPage){
    if(newPage < 0){
      return 0;
    if(newPage >= widgets.length){
      return widgets.length - 1;
    return newPage;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: Listener(
        onPointerDown: (pos){
          posPrev = pos.position.dx;
          timePrev = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
          print("Time: $timePrev");
        onPointerUp: (pos){
          int newTime = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
          int timeDx = newTime - timePrev;
          double v = (posPrev - pos.position.dx) / (timeDx);
          int newPage = _currentPage + (v * 1.3).round();

          print("Velocity: $v");
          print("New Page: $newPage, Old Page: $_currentPage");

          if (v < 0 && newPage < _currentPage || v >= 0 && newPage > _currentPage) {
            _currentPage = boundedPage(newPage);

              duration: Duration(milliseconds: 800), curve: Curves.easeOutCubic);
        child: PageView(
          controller: _pageController,
          physics: ClampingScrollPhysics(), //Will scroll to far with BouncingScrollPhysics
          scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
          children: widgets,

This should ensure a decent multi page navigation.这应该确保一个体面的多页面导航。

To anyone coming here in the future, i finally solved this using a Listener insted of a GestureDetector to calculate the code manually.对于将来来到这里的任何人,我最终使用GestureDetectorListener GestureDetector手动计算代码解决了这个问题。

Here is the relevant code:这是相关的代码:

class HomeWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  _HomeWidgetState createState() => _HomeWidgetState();

class _HomeWidgetState extends State<HomeWidget> {
  int _currentPage = 0;
  PageController _pageController;
  int t; //Tid
  double p; //Position

  initState() {
    _pageController = PageController(
      viewportFraction: 0.75,
      initialPage: 0,

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: Listener(
        onPointerMove: (pos) { //Get pointer position when pointer moves
          //If time since last scroll is undefined or over 100 milliseconds
          if (t == null || DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch - t > 100) {
            t = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
            p = pos.position.dx; //x position
          } else {
            //Calculate velocity
            double v = (p - pos.position.dx) / (DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch - t);
            if (v < -2 || v > 2) { //Don't run if velocity is to low
              //Move to page based on velocity (increase velocity multiplier to scroll further)
              _pageController.animateToPage(_currentPage + (v * 1.2).round(),
                  duration: Duration(milliseconds: 800), curve: Curves.easeOutCubic);
        child: PageView(
          controller: _pageController,
          physics: ClampingScrollPhysics(), //Will scroll to far with BouncingScrollPhysics
          scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
          children: <Widget>[

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