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[英]File upload via multipart-form-data using WebClient in C#


If you need both files and objects in the payload you can use a multipart form like this: 如果您需要有效负载中的files和对象,则可以使用如下所示的multipart表单:

Form 形成

<form id="createForm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="http://localhost:5000/api/send">
<input type="text" name="Field1"  id="field1" />
<input type="text" name="Field2"  id="field2" />
<input type="file" id="bulk" name="Bulk" required />


class MyClass
  public string Field1{get;set;}
  public string Field2{get;set;}

Controller 调节器
In the controller you can access the files using Request.Form.Files which gives you a collection with all your uploaded files.Then you can read your file(s) using a StreamReader like i do below: 在控制器中,您可以使用Request.Form.Files访问文件,它会为您提供包含所有上传文件的集合。然后您可以使用StreamReader读取您的文件,如下所示:

public async Task<long> CreateAsync(MyClass obj) {
  var file=this.Request.Form.Files[0];  //there's only one in our form
  using(StreamReader reader=new StreamReader(file))
    var data=await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
    Console.WriteLine("File Content:"+data);
    Console.WriteLine("{ Field1 :"+obj.Field1.ToString()+",Field2:"+obj.Field2.ToString()+"}");


Caution 警告
Take care when dealing with multipart since you will also need to specify the maximum size of a segment. 处理multipart时要小心,因为您还需要指定段的maximum大小。
That is done in the Startup : 这是在Startup完成的:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
    services.Configure<FormOptions>(options => {
                    options.ValueCountLimit = 200;
                    options.ValueLengthLimit = int.MaxValue;
                    options.MultipartBodyLengthLimit = long.MaxValue;

or like i did it directly in the Controller -s method , by decorating it with [DisableRequestSizeLimit] attribute. 或者我喜欢直接在Controller -s方法中使用[DisableRequestSizeLimit]属性进行装饰。

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