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Swift中的字符串文字-无法识别换行符\\ n

[英]String literal in Swift - new line character \n not recognized

I want to declare a string that contains my public RSA key. 我想声明一个包含我的公共RSA密钥的字符串。 In Objective-C I did it like this: 在Objective-C中,我这样做的是:

NSString *pubKey = @"-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
  "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----";

When I display this string in the debugger, it looks like this: 当我在调试器中显示此字符串时,它看起来像这样:


I am now trying to declare the exact same string in Swift (Xcode 10.2) and have not been able to get it to work. 我现在正尝试在Swift(Xcode 10.2)中声明完全相同的字符串,但无法使其正常工作。

What I tried was this: 我试过的是:

let pubKeyArray : [String]
let pubKey : String

self.pubKeyArray = ["-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----",
  "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----"]

self.pubKey = self.pubKeyArray.joined(separator: "\n")

When I display this string in the Debugger, it looks like this: 当我在调试器中显示此字符串时,它看起来像这样:

"-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBCgKCAQEA+xGZ/wcz9ugFpP07Nspo6U17l0YhFiFpxxU4pTk3Lifz9R3zsIsu\nERwta7+fWIfxOo208ett/jhskiVodSEt3QBGh4XBipyWopKwZ93HHaDVZAALi/2A\n+xTBtWdEo7XGUujKDvC2/aZKukfjpOiUI8AhLAfjmlcD/UZ1QPh0mHsglRNCmpCw\nmwSXA9VNmhz+PiB+Dml4WWnKW/VHo2ujTXxq7+efMU4H2fny3Se3KYOsFPFGZ1TN\nQSYlFuShWrHPtiLmUdPoP6CV2mML1tk+l7DIIqXrQhLUKDACeM5roMx0kLhUWB8P\n+0uj1CNlNN4JRZlC7xFfqiMbFRU9Z4N6YwIDAQAB\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----"

So basically, the new line character is not recognized. 因此,基本上,新行字符无法识别。 I also tried "\\\\n" and "\\r\\n", but to no avail. 我也尝试过“ \\\\ n”和“ \\ r \\ n”,但无济于事。

What is the correct separator to use here? 在这里使用正确的分隔符是什么?

The string you are seeing in the debugger is the debugDescription of the string. 您在调试器中看到的字符串是该字符串的debugDescription The debugDescription will replace things like the new line character with a backslash + n (It is supposed to make it clear that there is a new line). debugDescription将用反斜杠+ n替换新行字符之类的东西(应该清楚地表明有新行)。

If you want to see the actual string, you should just print it. 如果您想查看实际的字符串,则只需print它即可。 In lldb , do: lldb ,执行以下操作:

po print(pubKey)

Rather than building an array and building a string from that, you can instead use a multi-line string literal. 您可以使用多行字符串文字,而不是构建数组并从中构建字符串。 As The Swift Programming Language says: 正如Swift编程语言所说:

Multiline String Literals 多行字符串文字

If you need a string that spans several lines, use a multiline string literal—a sequence of characters surrounded by three double quotation marks: 如果您需要一个跨越多行的字符串,请使用多行字符串文字-由三个双引号引起来的字符序列:

 let quotation = """ The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. "Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?" he asked. "Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end; then stop." """ 

So, in your case: 因此,在您的情况下:

let pubKey = """
    -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----


Note that blank line between “END RSA PUBLIC KEY” line and the closing quotes. 请注意,“ END RSA PUBLIC KEY”行和右引号之间的空白行。 That's because your original Objective-C example suggested that you wanted a newline at the end of that last line. 这是因为您最初的Objective-C示例建议您在最后一行的末尾添加换行符。 If you don't need that last newline character, just omit that blank line at the end, eg: 如果不需要最后一个换行符,只需在末尾省略该空白行即可,例如:

let pubKey = """
    -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----

Now, when you display this in the debugger, you'll see the \\n characters represented there, but that's just an artifact of how the debugger represents non-visible characters. 现在,当在调试器中显示该字符时,您会看到\\n字符,但这只是调试器如何表示不可见字符的产物。 Rest assured that those are really newline characters. 请放心,这些确实是换行符。

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