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如何将带有嵌入式对象的对象从JavaScript(jQuery / ajax)传递给Python(Flask)?

[英]How can I pass an object with an embedded object from JavaScript (jQuery/ajax) to Python (Flask)?

I am attempting to pass structured data from a web page to a flask handler, but I am getting key errors. 我试图将结构化数据从网页传递到烧瓶处理程序,但出现关键错误。

In the web page's JavaScript, I have an object that has two elements, one a value, the other an object. 在网页的JavaScript中,我有一个包含两个元素的对象,一个是值,另一个是对象。

The problem is on the Flask/Python side. 问题出在Flask / Python方面。 I can get the first element ( "cid" ) with this: 我可以这样获得第一个元素( "cid" ):

print request.form ["cid"]

That works. 这样可行。 But, I can't access or get to any of the att(ribute) values ( "att" ). 但是,我无法访问或获取任何att(ribute)值( "att" )。

So, this, request.form ["att"] returns KeyError: 'att' 因此, request.form ["att"]返回KeyError: 'att'

I am able to access request.form["att[sw1]"] but this is flattening my data type. 我可以访问request.form["att[sw1]"]但是这使我的数据类型扁平化。

I'd like to get the att elements as a list or dictionary so that I can loop through them in my application. 我想以列表或字典的形式获取att元素,以便可以在应用程序中遍历它们。 I essentially want request.form["att"]["sw1"] or request.form.att["sw1"] . 我本质上想要request.form["att"]["sw1"]request.form.att["sw1"]

   var controllerData = {
              sw1  : $('#sw1').val(),
              sw2  : $('#sw2').val(),
              sw3  : $('#sw3').val(),
              sw4  : $('#sw4').val()}

   var updateData = {cid : 1, att: controllerData };

     type: "POST",
     url:  "/SetSettings",
     data: updateData,
     success: function(d) { },
     error: function(d) {alert('Error saving settings!');},
     dataType: "json"

You must serialize your data object to string with JSON.stringify() . 您必须使用JSON.stringify()将数据对象序列化为字符串。

   type: "POST",
   url:  "/SetSettings",
   data: JSON.stringify(updateData),
   success: function(d) { },
   error: function(d) {alert('Error saving settings!');},
   dataType: "json"

PS: Some object, eg window or object containing cyclic dependencies cannot be serialized this way PS:某些对象,例如window或包含循环依赖关系的对象,无法以这种方式序列化

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