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[英]Where can I find large php5 best practices project?

I'm trying to find a project that incorporates the "best practices" that are discussed and debated on a daily basis for almost all languages but I'm trying to focus on php5. 我试图找到一个包含“最佳实践”的项目,几乎所有语言都每天对此进行讨论和辩论,但我试图专注于php5。

Is there a php5 open source project that I can comb through to see working examples of project that exemplifies Units Tests, Dependency Injection and other best practices 我是否可以梳理一下php5开源项目,以查看该项目的工作示例,这些示例说明了单元测试,依赖注入和其他最佳实践

I'm basically researching for a new large project and wanted to see a shining example project in all it's glory instead of the snippets of code that are endlessly debated. 我基本上是在研究一个新的大型项目,希望看到一个光彩照人的示例项目,而不是无休止地争论着的代码片段。 Since this project will not inherit a whole bunch of legacy code I'm really trying to get things right from the start. 由于该项目不会继承一堆旧代码,因此我实际上是在尝试从一开始就解决问题。

似乎您正在寻找类似Zend Framework的东西!

Check out Kohana Framework too. 也可以查看Kohana Framework In fact, most of the popular frameworks have great PHP code. 实际上,大多数流行的框架都有出色的PHP代码。 I can not say the same for Wordpress, osCommerce, etc. Magento seems to be OK, maybe a little over engineered. 对于Wordpress,osCommerce等,我不能说相同的话。Magento似乎还可以,也许在设计上有些过分。

Here are the list of few libraries which are having good php standards 这是一些具有良好php标准的库的列表

Laravel - PHP Framework with tons of goodies
Guzzle - CURL library
PHPUnit - PHP Testing Framework
Carbon - DateTime handling library
Faker - For generating fake data

Many more are there, the following link will help you more 还有更多,下面的链接将为您提供更多帮助

https://github.com/uhub/awesome-php https://github.com/uhub/awesome-php

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