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[英]AngularJS - How do I get the state name inside of state resolve function to load controller files?

I am making head ways into diving into my first complete AngularJS app using PHP and tailored toward an api-centric approach. 我正在逐步探索使用PHP的第一个完整AngularJS应用程序,并针对以api为中心的方法进行了量身定制。

I have reached this point: 我已经达到了这一点:

I want to be able to capture the state name inside $stateProvider below for purpose of passing to load function. 我希望能够在下面的$ stateProvider中捕获状态名称,以便传递给加载功能。 However I am unable to get $rootScope.statename to be anything but undefined. 但是,我无法获得$ rootScope.statename,但未定义。 I have removed this from my solution because I could not get it to help remove undefined from the load function alert statement. 我已将其从解决方案中删除,因为无法获取它以帮助从加载功能警报语句中删除未定义的内容。

How do I capture ( risk or actionitem ) as the desired state name to be able to pass to the load function? 如何捕获( risk或操作actionitem )作为所需的状态名称,以便能够传递给load功能?

app.js -Removed code snippet app.js-删除了代码段

app.run( ['$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams',
                      function ($rootScope,   $state,   $stateParams) {
                           $rootScope.statename = $state.current; 

app.js app.js

angular.module('Action', ['datatables', 'datatables.scroller', 'ngResource']);          
angular.module('Risk',   ['datatables', 'datatables.scroller', 'ngResource']);          

var app = angular.module('Main', ['ui.router', 'oc.lazyLoad', 'datatables', 'ngResource', 'Action', 'Risk']);

app.config(['$ocLazyLoadProvider', '$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($ocLazyLoadProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
    configRoutes($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider);

route-config.js route-config.js

function load ($ocLazyLoad, $q, $rootScope){
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    catch (ex){
    return deferred.promise;
function configRoutes($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider)
        .when('action', 'action')
        .when('issue',  'issue')
        .when('lesson', 'lesson')
        .when('opportunity', 'opporutnity')
        .when('risk', 'risk')

            name: 'action',
            files: ['app/tool/action/ActionController.js']
            name: 'risk',
            files: ['app/tool/risk/RiskController.js']

        .state('main', {
            url: "/main",
            //templateUrl: '/app/tool/home/home.html',

        .state('action', {
            name: 'action', <----------------------state name I want to capture for this url 
            url: "/actionitems",
            resolve: {
                loadDependencies: ['$ocLazyLoad', '$q', '$rootScope', load]
            templateUrl: '/app/tool/action/ActionItems.html'

        .state('risk', {
            name: 'risk',  <----------------------state name I want to capture for this url 
            url: "/risks",
            resolve: {
                loadDependencies: ['$ocLazyLoad', '$q', '$rootScope', load]
            templateUrl: '/app/tool/risk/Risks.html'  

$state.current has all the information about the current state, including the name. $state.current包含有关当前状态的所有信息,包括名称。 So $state.current.name will get you the information you need. 因此, $state.current.name将为您提供所需的信息。

Just keep the code simple: 只需保持代码简单即可:

    .state('action', {
        name: 'action', //<--state name I want to capture for this url 
        url: "/actionitems",
        resolve: {
            loadDependencies: function($ocLazyLoad) {
                return $ocLazyLoad.load("action");
        templateUrl: '/app/tool/action/ActionItems.html'

I added the allowed method to the resolve section and cleaned up the code to get the desired outcome. 我在resolve部分中添加了allowed方法,并清理了代码以获得所需的结果。 I declared a global state to capture the value in $state$.name 我声明了一个全局状态以捕获$state$.name的值

var state = '';

function load($ocLazyLoad, $q)
    var deferred = $q.defer();
        $ocLazyLoad.load(state).then(function ()
    catch (ex)
    return deferred.promise;

function configRoutes($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider)

    var res = 
        loadDependencies: ['$ocLazyLoad', '$q', load],
        allowed: function ($state$)
            state = $state$.name;

        .when('action', 'action')
        .when('issue', 'issue')
        .when('lesson', 'lesson')
        .when('opportunity', 'opporutnity')
        .when('risk', 'risk')

        modules: [
            name: 'action',
            files: ['app/tool/action/ActionController.js']
            name: 'risk',
            files: ['app/tool/risk/RiskController.js']

            url: "/actionitems",
            resolve: res,
            templateUrl: '/app/tool/action/ActionItems.html'

            url: "/risks",
            resolve: res,
            templateUrl: '/app/tool/risk/Risks.html'

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