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如何使用jsreport和jsreport Chrome Pdf渲染1k pdf文件?

[英]How to render 1k pdf files using jsreport and jsreport Chrome Pdf?

I'm trying to be able to generate 1k reports using and endpoint with Express.js, I pass an array in a JSON, the API goes over it and in a forEach loop, then every object is used to scrap a portal, get the response, and create a PDF file... 我试图使用Express.js生成端点报告,并使用Express.js生成端点,我在JSON中传递数组,API遍历它并在forEach循环中使用,然后将每个对象用于抓取门户,获取响应,然后创建一个PDF文件...

This approach pseudo work, but I'm pretty sure that there are some concurrency problems... because, if I pass 2 items in the JSON array the API can create the 2 PDF files without a problem, but if I pass 300 the API creates randomly 50... or 60 or 120. 这种方法是伪工作,但是我可以肯定存在一些并发问题...因为,如果我在JSON数组中传递2个项目,那么API可以毫无问题地创建2个PDF文件,但是如果我传递300个API,随机创建50 ...或60或120。

This is my jsreport config 这是我的jsreport配置

const jsReportConfig = {
  extensions: {
    "chrome-pdf": {
      launchOptions: {
        timeout: 10000,
        args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'],
  tempDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, './../../temporal/pdfs'),
  templatingEngines: {
    numberOfWorkers: 4,
    timeout: 180000,
    strategy: 'http-server',

I setup the jsreport instance like this 我像这样设置jsreport实例


And, this is how I render the reports, the checkInvoiceStatus function is used as an HTTP call that returns an HTML response that is injected in the Handlebars template. 而且,这就是我呈现报告的方式, checkInvoiceStatus函数用作HTTP调用,该HTTP返回返回注入到Handlebars模板中的HTML响应。

const renderReports = (reporter, invoices) => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    try {
      const templateContent = await readFile(
        path.resolve(__dirname, './../templates/hello-world.hbs'),
      invoices.forEach(async (invoice) => {
        try {
          const response = await checkInvoiceStatus(invoice.re, invoice.rr, invoice.id)
          const $ = await cheerio.load(response);
          const reporterResponse = await reporter.render({
            template: {
              content: templateContent,
              engine: 'handlebars',
              recipe: 'chrome-pdf',
              name: 'PDF Validation',
              chrome: {
                displayHeaderFooter: true,
                footerTemplate: '<table width=\'100%\' style="font-size: 12px;"><tr><td width=\'33.33%\'>{#pageNum} de {#numPages}</td><td width=\'33.33%\' align=\'center\'></td><td width=\'33.33%\' align=\'right\'></td></tr></table>',
            data: {
              taxpayerId: 'CAC070508MY2',
              captcha: $('#ctl00_MainContent_ImgCaptcha').attr('src'),
              bodyContent: $('#ctl00_MainContent_PnlResultados').html(),
        } catch (err) {
          reject(new Error(JSON.stringify({
            code: 'PORTAL-PDFx001',
            message: 'The server could not retrieve the PDF from the portal',
    } catch (err) {
      reject(new Error(JSON.stringify({
        code: 'PORTAL-PDFx001',
        message: 'The server could not retrieve the PDF from the portal',

I don't know why, but this function is terminated in 500ms , but the files are been created after 1 minute... 我不知道为什么,但是此功能在500毫秒后终止,但是文件是在1分钟后创建的...

app.post('/pdf-report', async (req, res, next) => {
  const { invoices } = req.body;
  repository.renderReports(reporter, invoices)
    .then(() => res.status(200).send('Ok'))
    .catch((err) => {


Alongside the code presented by @hurricane, I had to change the jsReport config to this 除了@hurricane提供的代码外,我还必须将jsReport配置更改为此

const jsReportConfig = {
  chrome: {
    timeout: 180000,
    strategy: 'chrome-pool',
    numberOfWorkers: 4
  extensions: {
    'chrome-pdf': {
      launchOptions: {
        timeout: 180000,
        args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'],
        ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--disable-extensions'],
  tempDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, './../../temporal/pdfs'),
  templatingEngines: {
    numberOfWorkers: 4,
    timeout: 180000,
    strategy: 'http-server',

I think in your structure it is easy to solve your problem with writeFileSync function instead of using writeStream. 我认为在您的结构中,使用writeFileSync函数而不是使用writeStream可以轻松解决问题。 But it does not mean it is the best approach. 但这并不意味着这是最好的方法。 Because you have to wait for each render and each write file process to start another one. 因为您必须等待每个渲染和每个写入文件进程开始另一个进程。 So i would suggest to use Promise.all that you can run your long processes at the same time. 因此,我建议使用Promise.all ,以便您可以同时运行较长的流程。 That means you will wait only for longest process. 这意味着您将只等待最长的过程。

Quick win - Slow process 快速获胜-流程缓慢


Change this line with 更改此行


Better Approach - Fast process 更好的方法-快速的过程

const renderReports = (reporter, invoices) => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
  try {
    const templateContent = await readFile(
      path.resolve(__dirname, './../templates/hello-world.hbs'),
    const renderPromises = invoices.map((invoice) => {
      const response = await checkInvoiceStatus(invoice.re, invoice.rr, invoice.id)
      const $ = await cheerio.load(response);
      return await reporter.render({
        template: {
          content: templateContent,
          engine: 'handlebars',
          recipe: 'chrome-pdf',
          name: 'PDF Validation',
          chrome: {
            displayHeaderFooter: true,
            footerTemplate: '<table width=\'100%\' style="font-size: 12px;"><tr><td width=\'33.33%\'>{#pageNum} de {#numPages}</td><td width=\'33.33%\' align=\'center\'></td><td width=\'33.33%\' align=\'right\'></td></tr></table>',
        data: {
          taxpayerId: 'CAC070508MY2',
          captcha: $('#ctl00_MainContent_ImgCaptcha').attr('src'),
          bodyContent: $('#ctl00_MainContent_PnlResultados').html(),
    const renderResults = await Promise.all(renderPromises);
    const filewritePromises = results.map(renderedResult => await fs.writeFile(`./temporal/validatedPdfs/${invoice.id}.pdf`, renderedResult.content));
    const writeResults = await Promise.all(filewritePromises);
  } catch (err) {
    reject(new Error(JSON.stringify({
      code: 'PORTAL-PDFx001',
      message: 'The server could not retrieve the PDF from the portal',

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