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如何用 jest 和 enzyme 使用 Relay modern 进行测试?

[英]How to do testing with Relay modern with jest and enzyme?

How to test this kind of file with jest and enzyme...如何用 jest 和 enzyme 测试这种文件...

 class App extends React.Component{ constructor(){ super() } render(){ const { viewer, children, isLoading } = this.props return( <div> <div id="container"> {children} </div> {isLoading && <Loading />} </div> ); } } export default createFragmentContainer( App, graphql` fragment App_viewer on User{ id email } ` )

You can do something like this你可以这样做

const React = require('React');
const App = require('App.react');
jest.mock('react-relay', () => ({
  createFragmentContainer: App =>

const {shallow} = require('enzyme');
const {shallowToJson} = require('enzyme-to-json');

describe('App', () => {
  it('renders the dashboard section correctly', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(
      < App
        title="Test Dashboard Section"

We need to mock react-relay.我们需要模拟 react-relay。 As mentioned above.正如刚才提到的。

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