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CGImage 是否支持每通道 16 位?

[英]Does CGImage support 16 bits per channel?

bitsPerComponent表示最多为 8,但有几个 Stack Overflow 问题暗示支持16。

You can find the necessary information in “Supported Pixel Formats“ in the “Graphics Contexts“ chapter of “Quartz 2D Programming Guide“ below even it is archived documentation. 您可以在下面的“Quartz 2D Programming Guide”的“Graphics Contexts”一章中的“Supported Pixel Formats”中找到必要的信息,即使它是归档文档。

https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/drawingwithquartz2d/dq_context/dq_context.html https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/drawingwithquartz2d/dq_context/dq_context.html

The below figure is taken from the above url. 下图取自上面的网址。


Note that “bpp“ is specified as “bits per pixel“ and “bcp“ is “bits per component“. 注意,“bpp”被指定为“每像素位数”,“bcp”被指定为“每个组件的位数”。 As given in above table, it seems that only Mac OS (>=10.X versions) supports 16 bcp, not iOS. 如上表所示,似乎只有Mac OS(> = 10.X版本)支持16 bcp,而不支持iOS。

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