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[英]Is it possible to edit the backend of TYPO3?

I'm trying to understand TYPO3 a little bit better and I really want to be able to work with the full potential of TYPO3. 我想更好地了解TYPO3,我真的希望能够充分利用TYPO3的潜力。 So here is what I'm trying to do: 因此,这就是我想要做的:

On my Website I have a navigation with little Icons next to the actual page name. 在我的网站上,实际页面名称旁边有一个带有小图标的导航。 I used the Resources tab in the backend to select and upload a file which will be used as the image next to my page name. 我使用了后端中的“ 资源”选项卡来选择并上传一个文件,该文件将用作页面名称旁边的图像。

Now here is where it gets tricky. 现在,这里变得棘手。 I also want to be able to set an image which will be used as a header image on the page. 我还希望能够设置一个图像,该图像将用作页面上的标题图像。 I know I can do stuff like use the first image for this purpose and the second image for another one but I thought maybe there is a pretty way of doing this by adding another media input next to the one that already exists. 我知道我可以做一些事情,例如将第一个图像用于此目的,将第二个图像用于另一个目的,但是我认为也许可以通过在已存在的媒体输入旁边添加另一个媒体输入来实现此目的。 I know I might have to get through some php stuff but I'm willing to learn if there actually is a way. 我知道我可能必须通过一些PHP的东西,但我愿意学习是否真的有一种方法。 Here's a screenshot of what I'm trying to do: 这是我要执行的操作的屏幕截图:


Does anyone know if this is possible and can link me some tutorials or tell it right away? 有谁知道这是否可行,可以联系我一些教程或立即告诉我吗? I've tried to google it but I didn't find anything that looked clear to me and since I'm not to familiar with PHP I don't want to mess around and randomly try some scripts.. 我已经尝试过搜索它,但是没有找到对我来说很清楚的东西,并且由于我不熟悉PHP,所以我不想弄乱并随机尝试一些脚本。

是的,这当然是可能的,有一些教程如何使用附加字段扩展页面表,例如, https//www.sebkln.de/en/tutorials/detail/how-to-extend-typo3-database带有新字段的表/

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