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Power Bi报表或仪表板中的实时流式csv文件

[英]Live streaming csv file in Power Bi report or dashboard

I have a made a report in Power Bi that visualizes data imported from a csv file. 我在Power Bi中做了一个报告,该报告可视化了从csv文件导入的数据。 The csv file contains fields from a Keras training process as well as fields on the current system usage statistics (CPU, RAM etc.). csv文件包含来自Keras培训过程的字段以及有关当前系统使用情况统计信息(CPU,RAM等)的字段。 I have also successfully embedded the report. 我还成功地嵌入了报告。 However, the csv file gets new rows appended to it about every 5 minutes and I have to refresh the imported csv file manually so that the report is updated. 但是,csv文件大约每5分钟就会有新行添加到它的后面,我必须手动刷新导入的csv文件,以便更新报告。

Is there a simple way for me to automate the process of refreshing the imported csv file when it is detected that the state of the file has changed? 当检测到导入的csv文件的状态已更改时,我是否可以通过一种简单的方法来自动执行该过程?

I have been looking for a simple way to do this however I keep encountering Rest API's which I do not understand. 我一直在寻找一种简单的方法来执行此操作,但是我一直遇到我不理解的Rest API。 Is it possible to use them with a csv file such that it updates every time the file changes? 是否可以将它们与csv文件一起使用,以便每次文件更改时都会更新?

You can't use DirectQuery directly with CSV files. 您不能将DirectQuery直接用于CSV文件。 And if you want to get near realtime results in your report, importing (and refreshing) is not an option. 而且,如果您想在报告中获得接近实时的结果,则不能选择导入(和刷新)。 Plus, there is a limit on the number of refreshes for a dataset (8 times a day for Pro, 48 times for Premium). 此外,数据集的刷新次数是有限制的(Pro每天刷新8次,Premium刷新48次)。

Your best option is to change the application to store this data in a supported datasource (or write a helper application to read the CSV and push the data to a supported datasource). 最好的选择是更改应用程序以将该数据存储在受支持的数据源中 (或编写帮助程序以读取CSV并将数据推送到受支持的数据源中)。 If these rows are in Azure SQL Database for example, then you can create a dashboard that can autorefresh itself every 15 minutes . 例如,如果这些行位于Azure SQL数据库中,则可以创建一个仪表板,该仪表板可以每15分钟自动刷新一次 If you need to refresh it more often, then you need to use a streaming dataset (and again, find a way to push your data to it). 如果需要更频繁地刷新它,则需要使用流数据集 (再次,找到一种将数据推送到其中的方法)。

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