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如何检查管道的变化? 角度文字区域

[英]How to check for changes with pipes? Angular text area

I have a text area with formatted json. 我有一个带有json格式的文本区域。 the user is allowed to make changes in that text area. 允许用户在该文本区域中进行更改。 However because of the json pipe I can't use [(ngmodel)} . 但是由于json管道,我不能使用[(ngmodel)} Also (change) and (ngModelChange) don't seem to trigger anything. 而且(change)(ngModelChange)似乎什么也不会触发。 How do I capture the user changes? 如何捕获用户更改?

data: string = '{"a":1,"b":2,"c":{"d":3, "e":4}}';

this.data= JSON.parse(this.data);



<text area (ngModelChange)="saveUserChanges()">{{data | json}}</textarea>
<button (click)="saveUserChanges()">save</button>

You can bind the value with [ngModel] and set the new value with (ngModelChange) : 您可以使用[ngModel]绑定值,并使用(ngModelChange)设置新值:

<textarea [ngModel]="data | json" (ngModelChange)="saveUserChanges($event)"></textarea>

In the component class, saveUserChanges is defined as: 在组件类中, saveUserChanges定义为:

saveUserChanges(value) {
  this.data = JSON.parse(value);

See this stackblitz for a demo. 有关演示,请参见此堆叠闪电战

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