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[英]Jndi Lookup in EJB and in its dependencies

I have a Java application deployed on Websphere 8.5 as an EAR. 我有一个作为EAR部署在Websphere 8.5上的Java应用程序。 I am trying to figure out how do a JNDI lookup from ejb-jar.xml. 我试图找出如何从ejb-jar.xml中进行JNDI查找。 (Noob to EJB) I typically do JNDI entries lookup from the WAR by adding the entries in web.xml. (从EJB到Noob)我通常通过在web.xml中添加条目来从WAR中查找JNDI条目。 Now working on a ejb module I figured out I can still do JNDI lookup at ejb bean[1]. 现在,我正在研究ejb模块,我仍然可以在ejb bean [1]上进行JNDI查找。 See below my ejb-jar.xml: 见下面我的ejb-jar.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ejb-jar id="ejb-jar_ID" version="2.1"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/ejb-jar_2_1.xsd">
    <message-driven id="MyServiceSyncOutboundCom">

My question: How do I get these entries into my class now that I have no web.xml ? 我的问题:既然没有web.xml,如何将这些条目添加到类中? Also if the ejb module comprises of a JAR dependency say myservice-config.jar with a Configs class, can I retrieve these entries in that class instead of my Message Driven Bean? 另外,如果ejb模块包含JAR依赖项,例如带有Configs类的myservice-config.jar ,是否可以在该类中而不是我的消息驱动Bean中检索这些条目? How does that change the ejb-jar.xml file then? 那如何改变ejb-jar.xml文件?
[1] https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E16439_01/doc.1013/e13981/servjndi008.htm [1] https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E16439_01/doc.1013/e13981/servjndi008.htm

The ejb-jar.xml file serves the same purpose for EJBs as the web.xml file does for servlets. ejb-jar.xml文件对EJB的作用与web.xml文件对servlet的作用相同。 The XML syntax for injecting into an EJB is the same as the XML syntax for injecting into a servlet, except in ejb-jar.xml it is nested in an enterprise-bean, rather than just at the module level. 注入到EJB的XML语法与注入到servlet的XML语法相同,只是在ejb-jar.xml它嵌套在企业bean中,而不仅仅是在模块级别。 From your example, it would be something like this: 在您的示例中,将是这样的:

        <injection-target-name>name of field or method</injection-target-name>

You can only inject into classes that will be created by a container; 您只能注入将由容器创建的类; so for example, servlets are created by the Web Container; 因此,例如,servlet是由Web容器创建的; EJB instances and interceptors are created by the EJB Container. EJB实例和拦截器由EJB容器创建。

Your Configs class does not appear to be a class that is managed by the container, so cannot be the target of injection. 您的Configs类似乎不是由容器管理的类,因此不能成为注入的目标。 I can think of a couple of options to still inject into it: 我可以想到仍然可以采用的几种选择:

1 - In your ejb-jar.xml , just declare it to be a singleton bean; 1-在您的ejb-jar.xml ,只需将其声明为单例bean即可; then inject your env-entry values into it. 然后将您env-entry值注入其中。 You could then inject the Configs singleton bean into other beans. 然后,您可以将Configs单例bean注入其他bean。 Although perhaps non-standard, ejb-jar.xml can declare any class on the application classpath to be an EJB. 尽管可能是非标准的,但ejb-jar.xml可以将应用程序类路径上的任何类声明为EJB。

2 - Declare Confg to be a CDI managed bean and use the @Inject annotation. 2-声明Confg为CDI托管bean,并使用@Inject批注。 CDI does not have anything like web.xml or ejb-jar.xml , so you would have to use annotations when using CDI. CDI没有类似于web.xmlejb-jar.xml任何内容,因此在使用CDI时必须使用注释。

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