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[英]Kendo treelist display custom message for No records

I have created kendo-treelist in angularjs.我在 angularjs 中创建了 kendo-treelist。 Initial i am passing empty data so it is showing "No records to display".最初我传递的是空数据,所以它显示“没有要显示的记录”。 I want to customize this message how to do it.我想自定义此消息的方法。 Thanks in Advance.提前致谢。

You should set the messages.noRows property您应该设置messages.noRows属性

<div id="treeList"></div>
    dataSource: [],
    columns: [ "name", "age" ],
    messages: {
      noRows: "No data"

API Documentation can be found here https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/treelist/configuration/messages.norows API 文档可以在这里找到https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/treelist/configuration/messages.norows

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