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[英]Import values from database to a select

Good morning; 早上好;

I´m trying to load some values from a mysql database to a "select", inside a form with HTML, PHP and some javascript. 我正在尝试将一些值从mysql数据库加载到带有HTML,PHP和一些javascript的表单内的“选择”中。


I´m doing a school project and I need some names that are registered on the database. 我正在做一个学校项目,我需要一些在数据库中注册的名称。 When I click on the select i want them to appear, so I can register one class and give them a class director (i´m not sure if that is called like that in english). 当我单击选择项时,我希望他们出现,因此我可以注册一个班级并给他们一个班级主任(我不确定这是否用英语来称呼)。 When I "edit" the class, i want the select to put the value that are on the database and I want it to let me change the value. 当我“编辑”该类时,我希望选择将值放在数据库中,并且希望它让我更改值。


I have a function file that help me with the functions that I use on the website, and I made de select code like this. 我有一个功能文件,可以帮助我使用网站上的功能,并且我制作了de select这样的代码。

function DBConnect ()
    $db = mysqli_connect (DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE) or die (mysqli_connect_error());
    return $db;

function DBClose($db)
    mysqli_close($db) or die (mysqli_error($db));

function DBExecute($sql)
    $db = DBConnect();
    $result = mysqli_query($db,$sql);
    return $result;

function DBRead11()
    $sql="SELECT nome FROM user_especial";

    return $dts;

And the code that I used on the php page so the select could "spawn" the values is this one: 我在php页面上使用的代码就是这样的代码:

<select name="diretor_turma" id="diretor_turma" required class="input-field4">
    <?php echo $dts; ?>

My database looks like the table that I puted on the first imgur link. 我的数据库看起来像我放在第一个imgur链接上的表。 Can someone help me? 有人能帮我吗? Thank you. 谢谢。

If I get your problem correctly the issue is that $dts is not known in the HTML select element because it is only in the function scope of DBRead11 . 如果我正确地解决了您的问题,那么问题在于HTML的select元素中不知道$dts ,因为它仅在DBRead11的功能范围内。 Therefore, before getting the value of $dts , you need to call the function DBRead11() and save the returned value into $dts . 因此,在获取$dts的值之前,需要调用函数DBRead11()并将返回的值保存到$dts After that, because the array $dts should contain the attribute nome of all rows in the database, you can loop through all entries of $dts (eg with foreach() ) and construct a HTML option element from the value at the specific index. 之后,由于数组$dts应该包含数据库中所有行的属性nome ,因此可以遍历$dts所有条目(例如,使用foreach() ),并根据特定索引处的值构造HTML选项元素。

In addition to that, I think you need to initialize $dts in your DBRead11 function as $dts = array() or $dts = [] before adding values to it. 除此之外,我认为你需要初始化$dtsDBRead11功能为$dts = array()$dts = []增加值之前。

function DBRead11() {
  $sql="SELECT nome FROM user_especial";

  $dts = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);

  return $dts;
<?php $dts = DBRead11(); ?>
<select name="diretor_turma" id="diretor_turma" required class="input-field4">
    foreach($dts as $option) {
    <option value="<?php echo $option['nome']; ?>"><?php echo $option['nome']; ?></option>

As @M.Hemant already asked, please provide a var_dump() of the $dts variable. 如@ M.Hemant所问,请提供$dts变量的var_dump() Otherwise, I can't tell exactly if just outputting $option (every a single element of $dts) is sufficient. 否则,我无法确切判断仅输出$option ($ dts的每个元素)是否足够。

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