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[英]After include javascript file, how i can delete/remove

because I use ajax, to access content on my website; 因为我使用ajax来访问我网站上的内容; I have this code # 1 that dynamically includes a javascript file of different directory (depending on the content loaded) but that includes the same function. 我有这个代码#1动态包含不同目录的javascript文件(取决于加载的内容)但包含相同的功能。

Code #1: 代码#1:

var formContent = $("body form").first().attr('name');
if (typeof formContent != 'undefined') {            
    var uri = "classJS/" + formContent + "/jsc.js"; //File Javascript repeate in diferent directories.
    fetch(uri, { method: 'GET', type: 'HEAD' }).then(function(resp) {
        if (resp['status'] === 200) {

            //if Exist the Default Function (FunctionForms) set this to undefined.
            if (window.isFunction(window.FunctionForms)) {
                window.FunctionForms = undefined;

            $.getScript(uri).done(function() {
                window.FunctionForms(formEvent); //call or Re-Call the function.

        } else {
            console.log('%cNot find Script file: ' + formEvent, 'color: red');

Code # 2, This function (repeated in every file) is dedicated to charge other specific function for the content loaded, example: 代码#2,此功能(在每个文件中重复)专用于为加载的内容收取其他特定功能,例如:

Code #2 File 1: (Can be loaded N times) 代码#2文件1 :(可以加载N次)

function FunctionForms(formEvent) {
    console.log('%cCarga de Script JS para: ' + formEvent, 'background: #222; color: #bada55');

function Test(){
    $(document).on("click.form", '[name="s_list_2"]', function(event) {
        console.log('Is clicked');

this same file from other directories may have a subtly different content: 来自其他目录的同一文件可能有一个微妙的不同内容:

function FunctionForms(formEvent) {
    //not used.........
    console.log('%cCarga de Script JS para: ' + formEvent, 'background: #222; color: #bada55');

Then: it happens that if I enter the same content 5 times; 然后:如果我输入相同的内容5次,就会发生这种情况; the system includes 5 times the same file; 系统包含相同文件的5倍; but it does not overwrite the function or remove it, in the opposite case it stores it in different instances; 但它不会覆盖该函数或将其删除,相反,它会将其存储在不同的实例中; causing it to run N number of times: in a console ooutput I get this. 导致它运行N次:在控制台ooutput我得到这个。

VM6933:27 Is clicked
VM6944:27 Is clicked
VM6986:27 Is clicked
VM7022:27 Is clicked
VM7105:27 Is clicked

I understand that apparently this is not doing what I expect: 我明白这显然不是我所期望的:

if (window.isFunction(window.FunctionForms)) {
    window.FunctionForms = undefined;

The problem is not with the function, the problem is with the event binding. 问题不在于功能,问题在于事件绑定。 Every time you load the file, it does: 每次加载文件时,它都会:

$(document).on("click.form", '[name="s_list_2"]', function(event) {
    console.log('Is clicked');

which adds another click handler. 这会添加另一个点击处理程

It looks like you tried to remove the old handler first, but you didn't do it correctly. 看起来你试图先删除旧的处理程序,但是你没有正确地执行它。 To remove a delegated event handler, you have to use the same delegation syntax with .off() : 要删除委托事件处理程序,必须使用与.off()相同的委派语法:

$(document).off("click.form", '[name="s_list_2"]');

You're using: 你正在使用:


which would only remove a handler that had been added with: 这将只删除已添加的处理程序:

$('[name="s_list_2"]').on('click.form', function ...);

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