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[英]try except not catching on function?

I am getting this valid error while preprocessing some data: 在预处理某些数据时出现此有效错误:

 9:46:56.323 PM default_model Function execution took 6008 ms, finished with status: 'crash'
 9:46:56.322 PM default_model Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/user_code/main.py", line 31, in default_model
    train, endog, exog, _, _, rawDf = preprocess(ledger, apps)
  File "/user_code/Wrangling.py", line 73, in preprocess
    raise InsufficientTimespanError(args=(appDf, locDf))

That's occurring here: 这是在这里发生的:

async def default_model(request):
    request_json = request.get_json()
    if not request_json:
        return '{"error": "empty body." }'
    if 'transaction_id' in request_json:
        transaction_id = request_json['transaction_id']

        apps = []  # array of apps whose predictions we want, or uempty for all
        if 'apps' in request_json:
            apps = request_json['apps']

        modelUrl = None
        if 'files' in request_json:
                files = request_json['files']
                modelUrl = getModelFromFiles(files)
                return package(transaction_id, error="no model to execute")
            return package(transaction_id, error="no model to execute")

        if 'ledger' in request_json:
            ledger = request_json['ledger']

                train, endog, exog, _, _, rawDf = preprocess(ledger, apps)
            # ...
            except InsufficientTimespanError as err:
                return package(transaction_id, error=err.message, appDf=err.args[0], locDf=err.args[1])

And preprocess is correctly throwing my custom error: 并且预处理正确地引发了我的自定义错误:

def preprocess(ledger, apps=[]):
    convert ledger from the server, which comes in as an array of csv entries.
    normalize/resample timeseries, returning dataframes
    appDf, locDf = splitLedger(ledger)

    if len(appDf) < 3 or len(locDf) < 3:
        raise InsufficientDataError(args=(appDf, locDf))

    endog = appDf['app_id'].unique().tolist()
    exog = locDf['location_id'].unique().tolist()

    rawDf = normalize(appDf, locDf)
    trainDf = cutoff(rawDf.copy(), apps)
    rawDf = cutoff(rawDf.copy(), apps, trim=False)

    # TODO - uncomment when on realish data
    if len(trainDf) < 2 * WEEKS:
        raise InsufficientTimespanError(args=(appDf, locDf))

The thing is, it is in a try``except block precisely because I want to trap the error and return a payload with the error, rather than crashing with a 500 error. 事实是,它在try``except块中是因为我想捕获错误并返回带有错误的有效负载,而不是因500错误而崩溃。 But its crashing on my custom error, in the try block, anyway. 但是无论如何,它在try块中崩溃于我的自定义错误。 Right on that line calling preprocess . 就在那行调用preprocess

This must be a failure on my part to conform to proper python code. 就我而言,这一定是一个失败,无法符合正确的python代码。 But I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. 但是我不确定自己在做什么错。 The environment is python 3.7 环境是python 3.7

Here's where that error is defined, in Wrangling.py: 这是在Wrangling.py中定义错误的地方:

class WranglingError(Exception):
    """Base class for other exceptions"""

class InsufficientDataError(WranglingError):
    """insufficient data to make a prediction"""

    def __init__(self, message='insufficient data to make a prediction', args=None):
        self.message = message
        self.args = args

class InsufficientTimespanError(WranglingError):
    """insufficient timespan to make a prediction"""

    def __init__(self, message='insufficient timespan to make a prediction', args=None):
        self.message = message
        self.args = args

And here is how main.py declares (imports) it: 这是main.py声明(导入)它的方式:

from Wrangling import preprocess, InsufficientDataError, InsufficientTimespanError, DataNotNormal, InappropriateValueToPredict

Your preprocess function is declared async . 您的preprocess函数被声明为async This means the code in it isn't actually run where you call preprocess , but instead when it is eventually await ed or passed to a main loop (like asyncio.run ). 这意味着其中的代码实际上不会在调用preprocess地方运行,而是在最终await或传递给主循环(例如asyncio.run )时运行。 Because the place where it is run is no-longer in the try block in default_model , the exception is not caught. 因为在default_model的try块中不再运行它,所以不会捕获异常。

You could fix this in a few ways: 您可以通过以下几种方法解决此问题:

  • make preprocess not async 使preprocess不同步
  • make default_model async too, and await on preprocess . 也使default_model异步,并await preprocess

Do the line numbers in the error match up with the line numbers in your code? 错误中的行号是否与代码中的行号匹配? If not is it possible that you are seeing the error from a version of the code before you added the try...except? 如果不是,则在添加try ... except之前,您可能会从代码版本中看到错误。

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